MINUTES University Technology Committee June 11, 2007



University Technology Committee

June 11, 2007

Members Present: Others Present:

Lance Taylor, Chair Rick Buck

Scott Bennett

Peter Braza

Jeff Durfee

Garry Houser

Katharine Brown Kathy Hughes

Dale Clifford Steve Lyon

Richard Crosby Deb Miller

David Jaffee John Sharp

Michael Kucsak Rusty Smith

Zach Thomas

Lucy Trice

Terry Smith

Fred Sudler

Barbara Tuck Tony Turrin

Tom Van Schoor

The University Technology Committee meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. in Bldg. 15

Room 1105 by Chairperson Taylor.

Approval of Minutes - April 9, 2007

Chairperson Taylor asked if the UTC members had any changes, additions or corrections to the

Minutes from April 9, 2007. No changes were noted and the Minutes were approved as submitted.


The following announcements were made.

Kathy Hughes announced that Information Technology Services has ordered two

(2) new scanners that should arrive this week. After the scanners are programmed to read our forms, ITS will then be scanning the Spring 2007 term ISQs. There are eight hundred and twenty-nine (829) packets to be scanned and faculty can expect the results to be out the 2nd week of July. She reminded the group that posting of the results on FAIR is completed by the Office of Institutional Research. This updated information will be going out to the faculty today.

Deb Miller reported on the CIRT 2007 Faculty Technology Survey Report and distributed copies of the results to the group. This was the first survey done in about five (5) years and primarily focused on current instructional technology use among faculty. The survey reported their preferred learning and support modes and their interest in various tools and services. CIRT would like to continue delivering essentially the same survey every two (2) years so they can start to build a baseline and see how issues are changing. It was very clear from the

survey, that the top motivation for faculty members to use technology is their concern for student learning. One of the improvements needed where faculty showed great interest was data mining and analysis, development of online courses and the need for a plagiarism detection campus-wide tool which we currently do not have. Miller stated they were pleased by the results and with improvements such as Blackboard; the university will be able to address the needs for more technology support, etc. and provide more training. Taylor asked the

GOT to look into issues raised in the survey.

Taylor stated that the Graduating Senior Survey included a section on Information Technology and he is currently awaiting those results. He hopes to be able to share that data with the group at the next UTC meeting.

 David Jaffee reported on the latest developments related to distance learning and the efforts of the Distance Learning Committee (DLC). He informed the group that there has been frustration among the members of the DLC with regard to the official UNF policy on the development and support of distance learning. Jaffee stated that over the years it has not been clear where the university stood and what roles the DLC should be playing. He has been working with the Chair of the

DLC, Julia Watkins, over the past few months. Together they developed a more succinct white paper statement promoting distance learning and clarifying the role of the DLC and required resources. Jaffee also met with Tom Serwatka and

Provost Mark Workman and, based on that meeting, developed, with Julia

Watkins a distance learning policy statement for endorsement from the Provost and the President. The statement is currently being reviewed and he hopes to have feedback from The President's Office to report at the next UTC meeting.

The DLC is hoping for a clear endorsement from the President so they may move forward with support needs, administrative infrastructure support, etc. to support this initiative. Jaffee stated that it will then be ideal for the DLC to report to the UTC and work with the Faculty Association and Campus Technology Committee.

Report: Content Management System

Taylor introduced Gary Houser, UNF's webmaster, who was invited to provide information on a content management system. He provided a presentation/handout on what a content management system consists of and how it can greatly assist UNF in consistency in all website information pertaining to UNF. Right now there are several obsolete sites and broken links and no one is maintaining several of the websites. He informed the group that a content management system automatically updates all websites based on information placed in a central database and does not change designs that departments might want to keep. It mainly pertains to information and work flows and does not affect departmental design unless desired by the specific department.

Maintaining websites then becomes easier, can be scheduled for maintenance, email reminders can be sent out to renew or revise, etc., there are no hang ups, ensures an audit trail, and most importantly, eliminates obsolete information.

Houser stated that the Campus Update today lists the three (3) vendors that have been invited to campus to make presentations and answer campus community questions. These vendors are:

Comsys Information Technology Services, 352 Media Group and Fatwire Software. One vendor will be on campus this afternoon, another on June 13th and the last on June 18th. All vendors will make presentations at 3:00 p.m. in the Brooks College of Health. Shortly after all vendors have made their presentations, the Web Advisory Committee will review and make recommendation on which vendor to go with. WAC has ownership of this process and will develop the implementation plan.

Houser can be contacted at webmaster@unf.edu.

Report: Campus Technology Committee

Dale Clifford stated that at the previous Faculty Association meeting, the issue by which the general public could get faculty email was discussed. Clifford will follow up with The Office of

General Counsel to clarify university email policy.

Clifford stated next year's chair was elected. Katharine Brown will be serving in that capacity.

Report: GOT

Deb Miller and John Sharp presented information on three (3) technology initiatives and provided handouts to the group. These initiatives are: the FIG iPod Project Report, Student

Response System Investigation and Pilot Report and Model Technology Classroom Initiative.

This information included usage data and effectiveness including who is using the software, for what courses, along with other data on usage of the technology classrooms, clickers, LAN

School, and Sympodiums. All the results are posted in Websurveyor.

The GOT will continue to evaluate these initiatives and others in order to determine which ones to expand and/or discontinue.

Miller stated that it was determined the FIG iPod project was not as successful as they had hoped and it was very labor intensive. It was also realized that many students already have the equipment. The GOT determined that the project could continue to distribute the equipment on a check out basis to faculty only. The group recommended that the University no longer purchase and distribute the ipods, but will continue to support the use of the technology as faculty desire to do so in their classes.

Report: IT Security

Jeff Durfee stated that the client committee and other groups are investigating the security implications surrounding Windows Vista Operating System.

New Business.

No new items to discuss.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
