SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE SELF-EVALUATION FORM Shared Governance Committee: Budget and Planning Evaluation for Academic Year: 2010-2011 1. Please indicate the dates of each of your meetings in the past year. Are the minutes of these meetings all posted on your web site? The committee met every month this past year and sometimes twice a month. All meeting agendas and minutes are posted on the B&P site. 2. What would you consider to be the main accomplishments/tasks that your committee achieved this academic year? Please include progress made toward last year’s recommendations. Scheduled regular presentations for Specially Funded Programs whereby expanding the committee’s knowledge and understanding of such programs (last year’s recommendation and prioritized goal) Streamlined the Op Plan Budget Planning Process by establishing timelines to coordinate with the Unit Plan and Program Review process (last year’s prioritized goal) Developed a comprehensive budget prioritization process (last year’s recommendation) Provided workshops to budget managers to assist in the Op Plan process Quickly and efficiently responded to the college budget challenges and made clear cut recommendations for budget reductions to College Council Established the B&P task force to enable members of the committee to meet more regularly to respond to the District Office budget reduction scenarios 3. What prioritized goals for this year were you unable to complete or are still in progress? All prioritized goals from last year were accomplished but will move a few forward to this coming year in order to refine and improve processes. One in particular that was addressed but not clearly defined was the mechanism to communicate out to the college community the results of the budget requests. 4. Please list your prioritized goals for the next academic year. Continue with SFP presentations Assign the B&P task force with focusing on revenue producing strategies. Also to request business plans from some of the auxiliary programs in order to establish guiding principles on the methods and goals of bringing funds to the college. (This is already in progress) To mentor program managers to assist in developing ideas and methods of revenue producing Review and refine the Op Plan Process and prioritization process of budget requests 5. Does your charter accurately reflect the committee’s focus? If not, please explain. Yes, the charter clearly reflects the work and focus of the committee 6. Is membership tenure reflected accurately on the web site? Yes 7. Is your membership adequate to meet the work challenges of the committee? Yes, although the B&P taskforce may recruit outside members to assist in it’s work. 8. Please list the dates that one or both of the co chairs of your committee attended the SGTF monthly meetings. B&P was represented at every SGTF meeting. 9. Do you have any suggestions for the SGTF that could improve our Shared Governance process or make it more efficient? No SIGNATURES: Co-Chair Co-Chair Date