SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 2012 -2013 SELF-EVALUATION FORM Shared Governance Committee: Student Support Services Committee Evaluation for Academic Year: 2012-2013 1. Please indicate the dates of each of your meetings in the past year. Meetings: Posted: 10/17/13 Yes 11/13/12 Yes 01/09/13 (no quorum) 02/12/13 Yes 03/12/13 (no quorum) 04/09/13 (no quorum) 05/16/13 Yes 2. What would you consider to be the main accomplishments/tasks that your committee achieved this academic year? The committee worked on a Student Services Master plan which is now in final draft form. 3. What prioritized goals for this year were you unable to complete or are still in progress? We wanted to have a final draft of the Master plan. We are planning on completing the final draft of the SSMP. 4. Please list your prioritized goals for the next academic year. Review all division validations and process. 5. Does your charter accurately reflect the committee’s focus? If not, please explain. 6. Is membership tenure reflected accurately on the web site? Yes 7. Is your membership adequate to meet the work challenges of the committee? The challenge has been to maintain quorum. This year we will review our charter and member makeup and make changes as needed. 8. Please list the dates that one or both of the co chairs of your committee attended the SGTF monthly meetings. Monica Moreno has attended all SGTF meetings. 9. Do you have any suggestions for the SGTF that could improve our Shared Governance process or make it more efficient? We need to clearly identify what this committee is responsible for. 10. What progress have you made on the SGTF recommendations from your previous self-evaluation? I do not have a copy of last year’s recommendations. SIGNATURES: _________________________________Co-Chair _________________________________Co-Chair _________________Date