SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE SELF-EVALUATION FORM Shared Governance Committee: ____Facilities Planning___________ Evaluation for Academic Year: ___2011-2012 1. Please indicate the dates of each of your meetings in the past year. Are the minutes of these meetings all posted on your web site? Sept 14, 2011 Feb 8, 2012 Oct 12, 2011 Mar 14, 2012 Nov 9, 2011 April 11, 2014 Jan 11, 2012 All Minutes that have been approved have been posted. 2. What would you consider to be the main accomplishments/tasks that your committee achieved this academic year? Please include progress made toward last year’s recommendations. Informed the campus community on the progress of all Bond Projects by reporting to the Academic Senate, AFT, and Shared Governance Committee. Worked to prioritize all Bond Projects Established a Space Allocation Task Force for the purpose of prioritizing requests for space received from Program Review entries. Collaborated with the Work Environment Committee As per last year’s recommendation invited BUGS to attend meetings and offer input. Included are the user groups for the Media Arts Bldg, Stem Grant Committee, Technology, Athletics, Math and Science Bldg. Minutes of each meeting, and Agendas are posted for the 2011-2012 school year. 3. What prioritized goals for this year were you unable to complete or are still in progress? The Committee is in the process of updating its charter. The Committee has kept accurate minutes of all meetings, turned in reports to the College Council, and meet on the scheduled second Weds of each month as per last year’s goals. 4. Please list your prioritized goals for the next academic year. Continue to meet on the second Weds of each month Post all Agendas and Minutes for each meeting Finalize the revision of the charter and continue to review at the beginning of each academic year. Add two additional Faculty Members one representing the Academic Senate, and one the AFT to the Committee. Create a link on the Website for annual goals Identify the most recent version of the Facility Master Plan. Determine what the Facility Master Plan will include and how it links with other planning documents. Establish how and by whom it will be reviewed and updated. 5. Does your charter accurately reflect the committee’s focus? If not, please explain. Yes 6. Is membership tenure reflected accurately on the web site? No. It is being worked on at this time 7. Is your membership adequate to meet the work challenges of the committee? Yes 8. Please list the dates that one or both of the co chairs of your committee attended the SGTF monthly meetings. All meetings of the SGTF have been attended by either one or both of the Co-Chairs 9. Do you have any suggestions for the SGTF that could improve our Shared Governance process or make it more efficient? None at this time SIGNATURES: _________________________________Co-Chair _________________________________Co-Chair _________________Date