Sept. 24

California State University San Marcos
College of Education, Health and Human Services
School of Education
Governance Community Council
September 24, 2015 1:00 – 3:00 PM, KELL 5102
Sinen Siyahhan (Co-Chair)
Moses Ochanji (Co-Chair)
SOE Faculty & Staff Present: Chen, Daniels, Daoud, Elsbree, Flores, Hayashi,
Heckman, Hernandez, Mauerman, Ochanji, Robledo, Rosilez, Siyahhan, Thousand,
Vargas, Vega, Wendling.
[ x ] Yes, a quorum is present.
[ ] no quorum
Minutes for September 10, 2015 - approved
Director’s Report – (1:20 – 1:35)
 Program coordinators will share the results from the CTC exit surveys with individual program
 University course catalog revisions are due in SOE office this week.
 Faculty needs to review inactive courses, and decide if we want to activate the courses. .
Associate Director’s Report – (1:35– 1:40)
 update on the request for the MPP:
o The president, provost, and dean decided to make the Director’s position a faculty position
not MPP.
o Brown bag with the Dean to be held on Oct. 8 before community council meeting.
o We need to move with a call for the search committee.
 The CEHHS statement of concern policy is finalized.
 Need to finalize the Spring schedule:
o TT faculty choose their classes first before the schedule goes through the lecturers.
Old Business
Tenure Track Faculty Search Priorities for the 3-year Rolling Plan is finalized (1.40 – 2.00)
Faculty needs clarity on the definition of “community engaged scholarship”
Identifying the areas of new hire:
o Add JDP courses onto the excel sheet.
o Add all the uncategorized courses and divide up by the number of tables.
o Categorize them as “interdisciplinary courses” in a table.
Norms for Governance Community Meetings
As a Governance Community, we agreed that we would:
• Be considerate of other’s ideas • Stay on the topic of discussion • Focus on identifiable tasks • Have variation in the meeting format to provide for some group work •
Divide the agenda into action and information items • Prep ahead of time for the issues that will be discussed at Governance • Help establish quorum by being on time •
Maintain a sense of team by staying issue focused when we disagree • Make sure procedures are clear • Voice opinion in room • Note what the procedural process is up
front • Celebrate
New Business
 Branding of the M.A. General Option Program:
o Suggested names for the M.A. General Option: Cultural Proficiency and Critical Pedagogy
Annual Promotion and Tenure Reception - October 14, 2015
Major/Minor Fair is on Oct.20.
Career Fair is on Oct. 23.
Erika Daniles will be presented at the Faculty Center Research Colloquium on October 29 5:008:00pm Mcmahan House
October 8, 2015, 1300 - 1500 in KELL 5102
Meeting adjourned at (time of day)
Minutes were taken by Sinem Siyahhan
Norms for Governance Community Meetings
As a Governance Community, we agreed that we would:
• Be considerate of other’s ideas • Stay on the topic of discussion • Focus on identifiable tasks • Have variation in the meeting format to provide for some group work •
Divide the agenda into action and information items • Prep ahead of time for the issues that will be discussed at Governance • Help establish quorum by being on time •
Maintain a sense of team by staying issue focused when we disagree • Make sure procedures are clear • Voice opinion in room • Note what the procedural process is up
front • Celebrate