Meeting Minutes for the Environmental Service Committee of Texas State

Meeting Minutes for the Environmental Service Committee of Texas State
University-San Marcos
September 30, 2009
Committee Members Present:
• John Montoya, Chair, ASG Student Representative
• Kathryn Wilcox, ASG Student Representative
• Leah Gibson, NAEP Student Representative
• Nancy Nusbaum, Account Manager
• Randy Simpson, Biology Faculty Member
• Mark Carter – Geography Faculty Advisor
• Tina Cade, Agriculture Faculty Advisor
• Melody Rose Baker – ASG Student Representative
Members Absent
• Nathan Lawrence – Facilities
• Jason Sanders
• Vote in new non-voting member
• ESC Promotion – PowerPoint
• Review Bylaws
Start of Meeting – 5:15PM
Vote in Jason Sanders new non-voting member
Promote ESC – Kayte
Kayte will put together a PowerPoint
A list needs to be made of student organizations
We will divide the organizations up among the student members
Review Bylaws
Member appointments
Clause for applicants must find lowest bids possible
No changes made
Motion to adjourn John – 6:14
 2nd Dr. Cade