
Meeting Minutes for the Environmental Service Committee of Texas State
University-San Marcos
April 1, 2009
Committee Members Present:
• Hayat Qurunful, Chair, ASG Student Representative
• Melody R. Baker, ASG Student Representative
• Leah Gibson, NAEP Student Representative
• John Montoya, NAEP Student Representative
• Will Fox, RHA Representative
• Tina Cade, Agriculture Faculty Advisor
• Alberto Giordano, Geography Faculty Advisor
Members Absent
• Nancy Nusbaum, Account Manager
• Randy Simpson, Biology Faculty Advisor
• Kayte Wilcox, ASG Student Representative
• Nathan Lawrence
• Matt Akins – Bike to School Day
Start of Meeting – 5:19PM
Position of chair becomes available when Hayat graduates
Matt Akins – Bike to School Day
o Matt has already purchased $2,424 worth of supplies
o He’s asking to be reimbursed for these items and wishes to purchase more
tire levers, patch kits, multi-tools, and U-locks
o Possibility of making a survey to evaluate the impact of bike to school day
o Next year we should take used bike parts
o Motion to approve application for $3000 – Melody; 2nd Dr. Cade
 Unanimously approved
Ted Ingwersen Proposal – Application for Campus Litter Clean-Up
o Needs money to feed the volunteers
o Event is on April 28th
o Is this event fundable through ESC?
 We already pay people to clean up the campus
o Quantify the amount of trash
 Sort the waste
o Sort the trash for recycling
o We need to ask Nancy about the legality of funding this.
 Table the vote pending approval from Nancy
Motion to adjourn Hayat – 6:14
o 2nd Dr. Cade