2016 - 2017 GRADE EXPECTATION SHEET Student Name: ____________________________ 8 Advanced Algebra

8 Advanced Algebra
Student Name: ____________________________
Mr. Cardillo
Classroom Rules:
Students are to arrive to class on time. District policy on lateness and cuts will be followed.
Students are to be seated, with their homework on their desk, working on Do Now exercise as bell rings.
Respectful behavior to everyone in the class will be demanded at all times.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get class notes and homework assignments.
If you miss a test or quiz, it is your responsibility to schedule a time and location to make it up.
Cell phones must be silent and are not permitted to be used during class.
Materials: Student MUST bring the following to class each day:
A loose-leaf binder to be used ONLY for math.
Folder (to be used for homework and worksheets only)
Three dividers in your binder (Class work, Homework, Tests/Quizzes)
Loose-leaf & Graph Paper
Textbook (to be kept at home)
Workbook (to be kept in room)
Pens & Pencils
Graphing Calculator: TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-84 Plus **A Graphing Calculator is required**
**Students will be taking the Common Core Algebra Regents in June.
Passing this Regents is required for graduation**
Will be assigned 4 – 5 times a week. It is your responsibility to come in to class with specific
homework questions that you want to review.
Grade Policy:
Extra Help:
Will be offered select mornings from 7:15 – 7:55. Additional extra help is also available by special
request; all you have to do is ASK! It is discouraged for students to wait until an exam to get help. They
should come as soon as they struggle with their homework. They must come to the extra help with notes,
questions, and examples they would like to review together.
Contact Information:
 Please feel free to contact me at any time at the following number: 516-488-9326 ex. 6112.
 The best time to reach me is 7:15 – 7:45 a.m.
 You can email me anytime at scardillo@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us
I HAVE READ THE ABOVE: ____________________________
(Parent/Guardian Signature)
Date: _____________
Guardian Name: __________________________________
Guidance Counselor: __________________
Guardian Contact Number: __________________________
Guardian Email: ______________________