River Erosion


Aim: How do rivers erode sediment?

Topic: Unit 4

Main Idea: River Erosion

1) What are the three ways a river can carry sediments?

Pebbles, Cobbles and Boulders

Halite and Calcite

Silt and Clay

2) What is meant by the “carrying power” of a river?

 The carrying power is how much sediment a river can carry as it flows.

3) What is the relationship between the speed of a river and the size of the particle that it can carry?

 The faster the river, the bigger the particle it can carry.


4) What makes a stream flow fast?

Stream discharge_________________________



5) What is a meander and how does it tell you about the shape of the land?

 A meander is a bend in a river. These bends form when the land is flat.

6) How does water flow in a meander?

 It flows fastest on the outside

(erosion) and slowest on the inside

(deposition) of the bend.

X is on the inside of the bend so deposition occurs and it is shallow there.

Side View




Summary: Answer 1-5 of

“River Erosion

Exit Card


Draw the shape of the side view of the river from point 1 to point 2.

Use p. 6 of the ESRT’s to answer the following question

2) How fast does a river have to travel to carry sediments 0.2 cm in diameter?
