May 27, 2004

Technology Committee Minutes
May 27, 2004
In attendance: Bonnie Borenstein; Steve Dodson; Harriet Eskildsen; John Hinds; Kathleen Kirkpatrick;
Mike Lewis; Ingrid Schreck; Frank Vaskelis; Rainer Wachalovsky
Minutes: the minutes from the last meeting were approved.
Action: Bonnie to post minutes to Pubic Folders
Review of Action Items
a. Completed Actions
Bonnie posted minutes
Rainer cut student survey link from web site
Frank sent an update of survey numbers by email
John brought Internet security issues to the Academic Senate
Rainer reduced posting capabilities on the listserve to limit spam
Bonnie invited Sandy Roberts to a meeting (Rather than attend, Community Ed will have a
staff member on the Committee.)
Ingrid sent around a draft mission statement and goals via email
b. Incomplete Actions
Ingrid’s invitation to Bobby Bradford has been tabled until a later date.
Bonnie still needs to ask Stacey Cook about students serving on the committee during the
Jesse still needs to report on whether he talked to ASCOM about establishing a tech subcommittee to serve on the Tech Committee
New Voting Rules
a. It was unanimously decided that, due to the difficulty of insuring meeting participation
from all sectors, a decision could be put to a vote if at least 50 per cent of the active
members are present. This new rule will replace the one established previously.
b. As decided previously, the Committee will make decisions by consensus, but if
consensus is not possible, a majority vote will decide.
Appointment of New Committee Members
a. It was unanimously decided that the Chair(s) may appoint new members to fill vacant
positions of those who have been dropped from the Committee due to non-attendance at
b. Mike Lewis, staff from Community Education, was unanimously invited to join the
Action: Bonnie will send an email to Committee members alerting them to our rules and procedures,
particularly the one regarding attendance at meetings and the right to participate on the Committee.
Meeting Roles & Behavior/Courtesies
a. There was unanimous approval of the list of meeting roles and behaviors.
b. Ingrid reminded the Committee that these behaviors and courtesies should extend to
Security update
a. Rainer reported that purchase and installation of the Verisign software and security
certification for the credit registration application would be complete by mid-July at the
b. Mike reported that the Community Ed site has been returned to its “original state” of
security, meaning that the front end is secure, but the back end is not.
c. John noted that for legal reasons it is important that the College is making a good faith
effort to address security issues.
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College of Marin
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, CA 94904
415 . 457 . 8811
Technology Committee Minutes
May 27, 2004
Computer situation for buildings & grounds
a. There was some discussion about how the Committee should respond to Bob
Thompson’s concern that his staff found it difficult to participate in the survey because
of lack of computer access. It was agreed that:
i. The Committee should be responsive to all concerns brought to its attention;
ii. And that Bob Thompson’s concerns are related to the need for better training and
equipment standards, which should be addressed in the Tech Plan.
Action: Ingrid will respond to Bob Thompson and assure him that his problems and needs will be
addressed in the Tech Plan.
b. There was general acknowledgement that the Committee needs to develop policy
recommendations for the use of technology and other related issues.
VIII. Survey & Interview Follow-Up
a. Frank reported that the surveys have been tallied. He will send the numerical results and
student comments electronically. He noted that it was not a scientific survey, but it does
reveal attitudes and perceptions that the Committee will need to discuss and interpret.
Action: Frank will write a summary of the survey results and offer a preliminary interpretation for
further discussion at the next meeting.
b. Because of the sensitive and potentially inflammatory nature of some of the comments in
the faculty, staff, and administrative surveys, it was decided that these would not be
made public or sent electronically.
c. It was decided that at the next meeting, Frank will make available hard copy of those
comments. Because there are so many pages of them, Committee members will divvy up
the comments for small group review and Committee discussion about what themes
might be extracted from them to help our planning efforts.
Action: Frank to email numerical survey results and students comments; and bring hard copy of other
comments to the next meeting.
d. Frank reported that the bulk of the interviews had been completed. The common themes
that emerged include:
i. Need for new administrative systems
ii. Concern about costs
iii. Recognition of how paper-intensive the College is to the point of creating a lack
of attention to important matters
iv. Need to bring equipment and software up to date
v. Need to increase staffing in IT
Mission Statement
a. After some discussion, the Committee unanimously approved the following Mission
The Mission of the College of Marin Technology Committee is to direct, coordinate,
and recommend technology planning that supports and enhances student success and
institutional effectiveness.
Action: Committee members to send Bonnie one to three goals based on the Mission Statement for
discussion at the next meeting. Bonnie will collate the goals and bring to the next meeting.
Next Meetings
a. The next meeting will be on Monday June 7 at 10:00am at IVC, Room IS 110.
b. Future meeting dates will be decided at the next meeting.
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College of Marin
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, CA 94904
415 . 457 . 8811