February 18, 2003

Technology Committee
Meeting Notes
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
In Attendance:
Bonnie Borenstein, Harriet Eskildsen, Deb Mindel, Derek Wilson, Ingrid Schrek, Erik
Taylor, Jim Geraghty
Not in Attendance:
Ed Essick, Steve Dodson, Tara Flandreau, John Hinds, Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Nancy
Kutcher, Rainer Wachalovsky, Matthew Priewe, Wendy Walsh
Bonnie distributed the following documents:
Past Meeting Notes
Copy of Proposal for Ad Hoc Technology Committee from 1995
TechCom Equipment Funding 99-00
TechCom Equipment Funding 01-02
Technology Requests for 02-03
Questionnaire criteria for past technology requests
Educational Technology Plan Executive Summary Presentation for Valencia Community College
Discussion of Meeting Notes
Previous Meeting Notes from February 3 approved with the following change - Revise date to reflect
year 2003.
Discussion ensued on the review process for meeting notes. It was agreed that the notes will be made
available to each member via email, any changes/revisions should be addressed at the start of the next
meeting, and then the Committee will vote to approve.
It was agreed that the responsibility of taking minutes would alternate at every meeting. Deb
volunteered to fill the role on this occasion.
The Committee addressed the need to make the information available to the college community.
Options for providing online access include:
Public Folders in Outlook
It was agreed that this is an immediate solution, even though not everyone has access.
Additionally, there might be a learning curve involved for those that have not used this before. It
was decided that further information from Rainer is necessary to determine who actually has
access to Public Folders.
COM intranet
The Committee believes this medium will be ideal, but the intranet is currently in development. It
was decided that further information from Rainer is necessary to determine how to implement.
COM web site
It was agreed that the web site was not an appropriate solution since the Committee information
should not be accessible to the public.
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Technology Committee
Meeting Notes
Availability of Funds
Bonnie indicated the President has requested that $50K of total funds allocated for the Instructional
Equipment and Technology Committees be held back. (This is in addition to the 15% set aside for
shipping and maintenance.) Since the current funds are actually being backfilled, there is no assurance
that the amount deferred will be available for next year.
After lengthy discussion, the Committee decided the following steps should be achieved prior to
committing to a specific amount:
Determine which requests are still current and assess the actual cost.
Establish criteria for evaluating the requests.
Align priorities with the four focus areas.
Bonnie reported that some of the technology requests had already been funded:
$10,000 in Workforce Development and Athletics
$4,000 in Humanities and Instructional Technology
Currently unknown amount in Arts and Sciences
Evaluating Allocation of Funds
The Committee reviewed and compared the technology requests from past years with the current list.
Bonnie clarified what the numbers represented.
The Committee reviewed and discussed the questionnaire criteria for technology requests. There was
consensus that it needed to be significantly improved to reflect current budget and areas of focus. Due
to time constraints, only part of the document was revised. Bonnie will edit the remainder of the
questions, and distribute the new version by email for people to review and revise. A final version will
be approved at the next meeting.
Erik inquired how the cost is assessed in the equipment request and what options are available to
locate lower cost merchants. While it was determined that COM orders most items through IT’s
established vendors, it was noted that this concern should be addressed in the Technology Plan.
Technology Plan
Bonnie briefly presented an example of a comprehensive Technology Plan from Valencia Community
College. Deb indicated the correct URL to access for a full list of the plan components http://valenciacc.edu/edtechplan/
Still lacking an official Chairperson, the Committee voted to make Bonnie the interim meeting facilitator.
There was some confusion on day/time availability for the Committee members. Bonnie will send out
another request to determine best time slot. The next meeting will be scheduled upon receipt of all of
the members’ information.
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