July 19, 2004

Technology Committee
Minutes for July 19, 2004
In attendance: Bonnie Borenstein; John Hinds; Kathleen Kirkpatrick; Nancy Kutcher; Mike Lewis;
Deb Mindel; Rene Prado; Ingrid Schreck; Derek Wilson
Guest: Bobby Bradford
a. The Minutes from the July 12, 2004 meeting were approved without revision and will be
Action Items
a. Completed Items
i. Bonnie put together bullet points for Dr. White
ii. Bonnie entered Rene Prado’s name onto the email group distribution list
iii. Bonnie wrote memo to Dr. White regarding global email access
b. Incomplete Items
i. Student access to Public Folders
ii. Deb to post revised ground rules in Public Folders
iii. Ongoing review of survey data
iv. Ongoing review of goals and objectives
v. Frank to revise first draft of goals and objectives for July 26 meeting
vi. Committee members to send areas needing policy to Bonnie to compile
Fall meeting dates
a. It was decided that the Committee members would send Bonnie their fall availability and
she will use that to determine best times.
Action: Committee members to send Bonnie their fall availability for meetings.
Bobby Bradford/Alternate Media Specialist
a. Bobby Bradford, the College’s part-time Alternate Media Specialist, distributed:
i. List of areas involved in his responsibilities
ii. Chancellor’s Office checklist for program accessibility
iii. WebCT checklist for accessibility
iv. Draft of accessibility policy
b. Bobby informed the Committee that its main relationship to his area is web-accessibility.
He reported that, although the District’s web site is not totally compliant with Federal
ADA regulations, it is not “very out of compliance.” For web-based courses, posting of
charts and graphs raise accessibility issues, but a quick survey of summer online courses
did not reveal other major concerns. There, however, is some pressure from the
Chancellor’s Office, and more importantly there is “real danger” for the District in
potential for lawsuits. He asked for the Committee’s support and approval of the draft
policy; that accessibility policy be embedded in the Tech Plan; and that the Tech
Committee form a sub-group to deal with accessibility issues.
c. After some discussion, the following suggestions were made to Bobby:
i. Review all compliance work that needs doing and write up a list of procedures
for accomplishing the tasks and assign time lines to each;
ii. Work with Kathleen to set up trainings for faculty and staff;
iii. Work with Curriculum Committee regarding the need for new classes with a
Web component to be compliant;
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College of Marin
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, CA 94904
415 . 457 . 8811
Technology Committee
Minutes for July 19, 2004
iv. Look into the use of student interns, possibly from Court Reporting, to assist in
some areas;
v. Look at policies and procedures developed at other places, particularly CVC and
San Jose State.
vi. Write a status report of the College’s compliance and share it with the Tech
d. Because there are so many issues related to ADA compliance that may require
Management decisions, the Committee requested that Bonnie meet separately with Dr.
White to give her some background.
Action: Bonnie to arrange a meeting with Dr. White to discuss issues related to ADA compliance.
a. John distributed copies of various email and other IT related policies from other
organizations for the Committee to review.
Action: Committee members send Bonnie a list of areas needing policy for her to compile.
Tech Plan
a. The Committee unanimously passed a motion to send Michael Beebe a memo requesting
information about equipment and plans in IT for preparation for the meeting with Dr.
White and for use in technology planning.
Action: Bonnie to send memo to Michael Beebe from Tech Committee
Next meetings
a. July 26 at Kentfield: Frank will continue discussion of goals and objectives
i. Rene will send an alternate in his place
b. August 2 at IVC
i. John will arrange a room
c. August 9 at Kentfield
i. Fran White to attend
d. Carryover items
i. Fall meeting schedule
ii. List of areas needing policy
iii. Discuss inclusion of reports from other areas
iv. Discuss how Tech Plan integrates with Facilities Plan
v. Discuss conversion of College URL to “collegeof marin.edu
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College of Marin
835 College Avenue
Kentfield, CA 94904
415 . 457 . 8811