12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

For February 11, 2010
12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B
Senators Present: Yolanda Bellisimo, Michael Dougan, Arthur Lutz, Joetta Scott, Sara
McKinnon, , Derek Wilson, Eric Dunmire, Blaze Woodlief, Meg Pasquel, Joe Mueller, Radica
Senators Absent: None
Guests: Chris Schultz, John Sutherland, Barbara Bonander
I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda: adopted
II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of Feb. 4, 2010: deferred
III. Officers’ Reports
President (Yolanda Bellisimo): Written. Attached. President Bellisimo has been researching
the question of whether a dysfunctional board of trustees can impact school accreditation. It can
and has, most recently in Solano. Advice from the Senate President there is to make sure that
all faculty duties – i.e. program review, governance committees and so on – are on target and
impeccably performed, thus isolating the board in its incompetence.
IV. Committee Reports
Curriculum (Chris Schultz): The final draft of a database-driven course outline is almost
complete. Senator McKinnon pointed out the revisions, page by page. They were accepted by
Academic Standards (Rinetta Early): Senator Early said the committee will return to its work
on APs next week, including those that address disqualifications or dismissal and open
Governance Committees (Bellisimo): PRAC met to look at revised budget assumptions “and
they’re not good.” Our supplemental property tax, usually at $1.5 million, is down to
$375,000 and other funding sources have been lost.
V: Consent Agenda
a) BP 5052 Open Enrolment: Approved.
b) BP/APP 4060 Delineation of Functions Agreement: Approved.
VI: Action Items:
a) To Approve AP 4231 Grade Change: Passed as amended to grant students three semesters
to request a grade change.
VII: Discussion
a) Course Outline of Record (COR) Revisions (Schultz/McKinnon): Previously covered.
b) New Academic Complex – Classroom Adequacy and Possible Survey: A discussion was held
on the prospect of conducting our own survey of what classroom we have now and what we
need. Once completed, the Senate could make a series of recommendations.
c) Progress, Probation and Dismissal (Scott/Early): Banner is providing incorrect calculations
that cause us, in an effort to satisfy Title 5, to misinform students that they are on
probation or dismissal when they are not. Many are upset. IT needs to fix Banner
immediately. If IT does not have the staff to do this, it should promptly be outsourced. A
memo will be sent to the administration next week. The Senate consents to this.
d) English 98 Transfer (Blaze Woodlief/Barbara Bonander/Rinetta Early): Bonander and
Sutherland requested Senate support supporting the placement of English 98 in the College
Skills Department. Senator Bellisimo recommended that they write questions regarding
proposed changes down and ask for a timeline on when they will be answered.
VII: New Business: None.
IX: Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items: None.
X: Adjournment: 2:04 p.m.
For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Michael
Dougan: michael.dougan@marin.edu, X7336.