March 25

For March 25, 2010
12:45 p.m. – 2:03 p.m.
Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B
Senators Present: Erika Harkins, Michael Dougan, Yolanda Bellisimo, Meg Pasquel, Joetta
Scott, Ron Gaiz, Blaze Woodlief, Christine Li, Rinetta Early, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Derek
Wilson, Radica Portello, Joe Mueller
Senators Absent: Eric Dunmire
Guests: Nick Chang, Chris Schultz, David Snyder, John Sutherland
I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda: adopted
II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of March 18, 2010: approved as amended
III. Officers’ Reports
President (Yolanda Bellisimo): Written. Attached.
Vice-President (Derek Wilson): College of Marin needs a transparency policy similar to that
signed into law by the governor.
IV: Committee Reports
Curriculum (Sara McKinnon): The data base and report forms are up and running.
Academic Standards (Rinetta Early): Too many students are attempting to add classes at this
late date. The deadline was March 11 in person, or March 15 on line. The current two-week
grace period, unknown to many instructors, needs to be eliminated. Instructors must be
encouraged or required to check their rosters at the appropriate time in the semester to confirm
that all students attending class are actually enrolled.
Community Education (Erika Harkins): Students still can’t enroll in community education classes
using Banner, and registering indirectly leads to various problems. A solution is needed.
Governance Committees (Bellisimo): PRAC met Tuesday. The committee has been looking at
supplies and working on a strategic plan for IT.
V: Consent Agenda:
a) Election Time Line: Nomination forms for 6 fulltime and 2 part-time Senate positions will
go out April 5. The deadline for return will be April 19. Nominations can be accompanied
by a campaign statement not to exceed 300 words. The ballot will be approved by the
Senate on April 22 and mailed the following day. Consent given.
b) Travel to CCLC Conference for Presentation May 1; Plenary Fees and Travel April 15-17:
Consent given.
VI: Action Items:
a) AP 4250 Probation: Approved.
b) AP 7210 Academic Employees, AP 7217 Instructional Rotation, AP 7212 Temporary
Faculty, AP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications and Equivalencies:
VII: Discussion
a) Outdated Courses (Chris Schultz, Nick Chang, David Snyder): Faculty members have until
April 15 to deal with courses scheduled for COR updates. At that point, they must have
notified the Curriculum Committee that they intend to delete a course, or submitted a
revision. The decision will be made after May 25 if a course will continue to be taught at
COM or not. It was acknowledged that some part-time jobs may be in jeopardy as a result
of this, but noted that chairs have been receiving notifications about this for 6 years now.
Chris Schultz will send a notice to everyone that if they haven’t done this by April 19,
their courses won’t be included in the Spring 2011 catalog.
b) AP 7210 Academic Employees: Moved to action item agenda next week.
c) AP 7218 Department Chair Elections: Moved to action item agenda next week. Senator
Lutz noted that department chair elections are referenced in the collective bargaining
agreement between the district and UPM, and not within our purview. President Bellisimo
said she would look into the issue and we will discuss it then.
d) Academic Senate Annual Report: Deferred to next week.
e) Academic Senate Annual Report: Deferred to next week.
f) English 98 Transfer (John Sutherland): Proposals to collate labs and move English 98 into
Basic Skills are based on faulty data and research. The Senate was asked to oppose the
move. President Bellisimo asked Sutherland to prepare a plan in response to the
administration’s plan that the Senate can then support.
VIII: New Business (None)
IX: Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items (None)
X: Adjournment: 2:03 p.m.
For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Michael
Dougan:, X7336.