COLLEGE OF MARIN ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING MINUTES For May 6, 2010 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B Senators Present: Ron Gaiz, Michael Dougan, Yolanda Bellisimo, Joetta Scott, Blaze Woodlief, Christine Li, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Erik Dunmire, Radica Portello, Erika Harkins Senators Absent: Meg Pasquel, Derek Wilson Joe Mueller, Rinetta Early Guests: Peggy Dodge I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda: adopted II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of April 29, 2010: approved III. Officers’ Reports President (Yolanda Bellisimo): Written. Attached. Treasurer (Ron Gaiz): We have $1,319.03 in Union Bank, $3,560.14 in our district account. After all spending is accounted for, we will be down to a few hundred dollars. That’s good, because we’re spending our funds on items we want and need. IV: Committee Reports Curriculum (Sara McKinnon): We’ll be electing a chair today. We’ve looked through many course outlines, including 35 from community education, 8 of which were returned to Janice Austen for discussion with Department Chairs regarding possible conflicting situations. Governance (Yolanda Bellisimo): PRAC met for the third week in a row. Funding recommendations are being sent to the district, the strategic plan is under consideration, as are changes in the program review process. These, if adopted, should satisfy WASC requirements while removing the pressure to create all new reports every year. It was agreed to place a letter regarding equipment and modernization to the college president, vice-president and PRAC on next week’s action agenda, as was follow-through on a recommendations letter to PRAC and the president. V: Consent Agenda: a) AP 5011 Admission and Concurrent Enrollment of High School Students: Consent given. b) Outstanding Awards Plaques: Consent given. c) Replacement of Derek Wilson on Presidential Hiring Committee: Senate Vice-President Wilson was forced to withdraw so he can have the summer to deal with the aftermath of a fire on his property. Peggy Dodge agreed to accept an appointment to his spot. Consent was given. VI: Action Items: BP/AP 3900 Speech, Time, Place & Manner: Approved. VII: Discussion a) Non-Instructional Equipment to Facilities Formal Request: In a letter to PRAC from President Bellisimo, the Senate requests that the Facilities Committee review and prioritize non-instructional requests presented in yearly program reviews. Senator Dunmire said these are falling through the cracks, and a plan is needed. It will go on the agenda next week as an action item. b) Academic Complex Room Needs and Study Proposal (Dunmire): President Bellisimo suggested that the Senate provide Senator Dunmire with units to spend the summer performing a complete study of all our classroom needs and what’s going to happen to the new Academic Center. She wants to be able to go to the board at the May meeting with a letter from the Senate reminding trustees that the building of buildings, the taking out and putting in of classrooms, is an academic matter that falls under Ten Plus One. They need to focus on the needs of the students and the faculty and the staff, which has not been where their focus is up to now. Senator Dunmire then presented a report that builds on his report from last week, and includes better room information. VIII: New Business: None IX: Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items: None X: Adjournment: 2:00 p.m. For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Michael Dougan:, X7336.