September 8th

12:45 – 2:00
Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B
Senators Present: Yolanda Bellisimo, Michael Dougan, Arthur Lutz,
Sara McKinnon, Meg Pasquel, Hank Fearnley, Dikran Martin, John
Sutherland, Rebecca Beal, Rinetta Early, Mia Chia,
Senators Absent: Blaze Woodlief
Guests Chris Schultz
I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda. Accepted.
II. Minutes of Aug. 25, 2011.
. Accepted as amended.
III. Officers’ Reports:
No written report. A brief Q&A over scheduling and logistical issues. No
other officers’ reports were submitted
IV: Committee Reports
a. Curriculum: Chairman Chris Schulz discussed plans to develop a
curriculum library.
V: Consent Agenda:
a) Governance Committee Appointments. (None.)
b) Volunteer Senate4or to be UPM Liaison: John Sutherland was
approved as the Senate’s liaison with United Professors of Marin.
VI: Action Items
a) ACCJC Follow-Up Report: Approved with two abstentions
VI: Discussion
a) Curriculum Institute Reports: Deferred. Sara McKinnon did say that
transfer degree programs have been completed for
communications, sociology and psychology, with others to come.
She said transfer degrees are a way for students to wave
guaranteed admissions to all CSU campuses. Discussion regarding
repeatability and repetition took place.
b) Inventory of BPs and APs: The Senate has responsibility for these.
We still have to discuss more than 30 by the end of May. We’ll
march through them as quickly as possible.
c) AP 4260 Prerequisites, Co-requisites and Advisories: Moved to
action item next week.
d) Honorary Degrees: Deferred
Online enforcement of Pre-requisites: Bob Balistreri said they want
students to know whether they’ve meet prerequisites when they
register. A message will pop up when they enroll online. Other issues,
like getting them into the catalog, are more daunting.
VIII: New Business: None
XI: Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items:
X: Adjournment: 203