April 29

For April 29, 2010
12:45 p.m. – 2:03 p.m.
Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B
Senators Present: Ron Gaiz, Joe Mueller, Michael Dougan, Yolanda Bellisimo, Joetta Scott,
Blaze Woodlief, Christine Li, Rinetta Early, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Eric Dunmire, Radica
Portello, Erika Harkins
Senators Absent: Meg Pasquel, Derek Wilson
Guests: Nick Chang
I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda: adopted
II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of April 22, 2010: approved
III. Officers’ Reports
President (Yolanda Bellisimo): Written. Attached.
Treasurer (Ron Gaiz): We will soon be capping out on our budget because of the printer now on
order and the part-timer hired to do CORs. The district will fill in costs over our budget.
IV: Committee Reports
Facilities (Erik Dunmire): The committee reviewed a draft of its end-of-year report and is
organizing tasks in a logical way. The report will soon be presented to PRAC.
Instructional Equipment (Arthur Lutz): The committee has seen expenditures it oversees
increased from $19,000 to $59,000 and is more satisfied that the district is honoring its needs.
This led to a discussion on the disconnect between administrators and faculty members
regarding important issues of shared governance. Senator Gaiz suggested that we ask for
written reports from the administration on how approved expenditures are handled, since some
seem to never actually be spent. For example, some positions approved more over a year ago
are still not filled.
V: Consent Agenda:
a) AP5055 Enrolment Priorities: Consent given.
b) Gifts for Retirees: Consent given.
VI: Action Items:
a) BP/AP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development: Approved.
BP/AP 4025 Criteria for Associate Degree & General Education: Approved.
VII: Discussion
a) BP/AP 3900 Speech, Time, Place & Manner (formerly BP/AP 5550: Moved to action item
next week.
b) Questions Regarding Academic Complex (Dunmire): Senator Dunmire presented a room
inventory for buildings to be demolished and replaced by the Academic Complex. A total
of 27 lecture rooms will be lost, including the Olney Hall auditorium, but not the nursing
or dental spaces. A discussion ensued, concluding with a request for more detailed
information that may clear up some outstanding ambiguities in the data.
Academic Senate Annual Report: Postponed until the next meeting.
d) Equipment/Modernization (Nick Chang): Vice-President Chang explained the three sources
of potential equipment money (modernization, general funds or district money, and
technology funds that also come from a bond) and the three processes addressing
equipment needs. He said it is possible now to buy equipment for old buildings using
modernization money as long as it will be moved into the new buildings when they are
completed. The entire college will be informed of decisions regarding priorities and
funding schedules.
VIII: New Business: (None)
IX: Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items: None
X: Adjournment: 2:03 p.m.
For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Michael
Dougan: michael.dougan@marin.edu, X7336.