For April 22, 2010
12:45 p.m. – 1:57 p.m.
Student Service Building, Conference Rooms A & B
Senators Present: Ron Gaiz, Joe Mueller, Michael Dougan, Yolanda Bellisimo, Joetta Scott,
Blaze Woodlief, Christine Li, Rinetta Early, Arthur Lutz, Sara McKinnon, Derek Wilson, Eric
Dunmire, Radica Portello
Senators Absent: Erika Harkins, Meg Pasquel
I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda: adopted
II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes of April 1, 2010: approved
III. Officers’ Reports
President (Yolanda Bellisimo): Written. Attached.
Treasurer (Ron Gaiz): It is recommended that we postpone the purchase of a new copy machine
until next year, since funds are getting a little low.
IV: Committee Reports
Curriculum Committee (Sara McKinnon): An explanation was offered about why we have an April
30 deadline for updated CORs, including pressure from four-year universities, our chancellor’s
office and WASC.
Academic Standards (Rinetta Early): The petition to repeat courses (absent substandard grades)
has not been changed since last year, and does not reflect changes in the catalog. (A two-year
lapse of time is a viable reason to repeat without extenuating circumstances.)
Instructional Equipment (Arthur Lutz): The conflict over giving approval of key purchases to the
modernization team continues. Nick Chang argues that they will do a better job in prioritizing
requests because they are in communication with people in affected departments. President
Bellisimo asked how that can be considered shared governance? “How can you take
modernization money and ask a group of managers to decide what the criteria are?" VicePresident Wilson said we’ve received no clear communication about what falls into which area
under Measure C.
V: Consent Agenda:
a) Senate Ballot: Consent given.
b) AP 4225 Course Repetition: Consent given.
c) AP 5075 Credit Course Adds and Drops: Consent given.
VI: Action Items: None
VII: Discussion
a) BP/AP 4020 Program, Curriculum, and Course Development: Moved to action item next
BP/AP 4025 Criteria for Associate Degree & General Education: Moved to action item next
b) EOPS Update (Victoria Coad, Becky Reetz): State funding may hold with last year’s
cutbacks. The legislature is pushing for the placement of all categorical money in the
general fund. The Academic Senate has supported the development of a CalWorks Class.
Becky taught a pilot CalWorks skill-building class. It will be polished and send back to the
Curriculum Committee. Research shows that academic integration is the most important
factor in determining success for CalWorks students.
c) English 98 and Lab Merger Response from Administration (John Sutherland/Barbara
Bonander): An MOU signed by department heads and administrators, based on the latest
response from the administration, is recommended. It will be presented to the Academic
Senate as a consent item. This is recommended since new administrators might not honor
the present understanding.
d) Academic Senate Annual Report: Postponed until the next meeting.
VIII: New Business: (None)
IX: Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items: None
X: Adjournment: 1:57 p.m.
For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate minutes, please contact: Michael
Dougan:, X7336.