Quantum- Mechanical Operators Represent Classical- Mechanical Variables Postulate 2

Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture 11
Quantum- Mechanical Operators Represent ClassicalMechanical Variables
Postulate 2
To every observable in classical mechanics there
corresponds an operator in quantum mechanics.
Table (1)
Classical-Mechanical Observables and their corresponding
quantum-mechanical operators
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture 11
Postulate 3
In any measurement of the observable associated with the
operator Â, the only values that will ever be observed are the
eigenvalues a, which satisfy the eigenvalue equation
A  a
As a specific example, consider the measurement of the energy.
The operator corresponding to the energy is the Hamiltonian
operator, and its eigenvalue equation is
H  n  E n n
This is just the Schrodinger equation. The solution of this
equation gives the  n and E n . For the case of a particle in a box,
En 
n 2h 2
8ma 2
. Postulate 3 says that if we measure the energy of a
particle in a box, we shall find one of these energies and no
Postulate 4
If a system in a state described by a normalized wave
function ψ, then the average value of the observable
corresponding to  is given by
a    A d 
According to postulate 4, if we were to measure the energy of
each member of a collection of similarly prepared system, each
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture 11
described by ψ, then the average of the observed values is
given by equation 27 with Â=Ĥ.
The Time Dependence of wave Function is governed by the
Time – Dependent Schrodinger Equation
Postulate 5
The wave function or state function of a system evolves in
time according to the time- dependent Schrodinger equation
H  (x , t )  i
We can write ψ(x, t) =ψ(x) f (t)
Also we take before Schrödinger equation
Ĥ ψ (x) =E ψ (x)
From these Eqs. We can write f (t) = e –i Et/ħ
 (x , t )   (x )e iEt /
 n (x , t )   n (x )e  iEn /
Dr.Eman Zakaria Hegazy Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Thermodynamics Lecture 11
If the system happens to be in one of the eigenstates given by
Eq. 30,then
 n (x , t ) n (x , t )dx   n (x ) n (x )dx
Thus, the probability density and the averages calculated from
eq.30 are independent of time, and the ψ n(x) are called
stationary –state wave functions. The Bohr model of the
hydrogen atom is a simple illustration of this idea.