May 7, 2001

Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of May 7, 2001
Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Hata, Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Simon, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Ely, Mr. Leifer, Ms
Caldwell, Ms. Smith and Mr. Marston.
Police Officers Association - Ms. Jan Caldwell
There have been reported theft problems over the weekend; this is not an unusual
occurrence. Dr. Fallo has requested a report on the number of thefts and the dollar amount.
Administrative Services - Mr. Victor Hanson
We were notified of a stage one power alert this morning and a stage two this afternoon. All
persons need to be conscious of conserving energy at all times.
Associated Students Organization - Mr. Bryan Leifer
1. There was an introduction of the new President Mr. Josh Lawson. Mr. Lawson is the
youngest president of student government at 16 years of age. The student trustee is
Glen Chapple. Mr. Leifer reported that there were 1280 ballots received.
2. The A.S.O. Year-End Recognition Banquet and Dinner Cruise is May 11, 2001.
Student and Community Advancement - Dr. Patricia Caldwell
Some upcoming events are:
1. Academic Achievement Awards, May 9th at 5:00 p.m.
2. Honors Transfer Program Ceremony, May 9th at 7:30 p.m.
3. Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day, May 10th at 12:30 p.m.
4. Scholarship Awards Luncheon, May 11th at 12:00 p.m.
Academic Senate - Mr. Doug Marston
The Academic Senate was unable to make a decision on board policies: 7250, 3710 and
3720. The senators were also unable to put forth a resolution on dropping students for nonpayment of registration fees.
Academic Affairs - Dr. Nadine I. Hata
The El Camino Clay Club is sponsoring its annual Chili Bowl and Mug Sale on May 9,
Association of El Camino College Administrators and Supervisors-Janice Ely
Ms. Ely attended a seminar on crime and theft and will be sharing the information with the
bookstore and box office personnel.
AFT, Local 1388 - Dr. Angela Simon
The nomination forms were sent out for officers and the ballots will be sent out May 10,
President - Dr. Thomas M. Fallo
1. The May revise numbers will be available next week at this time. This will give us an
idea as to how the energy crisis will affect the budget. There are more considerations for
cuts, but education is supposed to be protected. There is some scrutiny of higher
education and hopefully we are not considered higher education.
2. The assembly committee for higher education had a withdrawal of our science building
project, which was pulled by a local assemblyman. We are working on getting this
funding reinstated.
3. The Legislative Analyst’s Office has proposed to require the University of California
and California State University to create a “transfer proficiency exam” and test all
community college transfer students for reading and mathematics proficiency. The UC,
CSU and community college groups are all opposed to this language and are developing
strong legislative opposition.
Policies: The following policies were discussed:
3540: Sexual and Other Assaults
Academic Senate approved as submitted
7330: Communicable Disease
Ready for Board approval as is
7350: Resignations
Ready for Board approval as is
7370: Political Activities
Vic will make additional revisions and
bring back
7385: Salary Deductions
Vic will make additional revisions and
bring back
7600: Police Department
Vic will make revisions and bring back
6100: Delegation of Authority
Ready for Board approval as is
6150: Designation of Authorized Signatures
Ready for Board approval as is
6200: Budget Preparation
Vic will make revisions and bring back
6250: Budget Management
Vic will make revisions and bring back
6300: Fiscal Management
Ready for Board approval as is
6320: Investments
Ready for Board approval as is (replace
bullets with numbers)
6330: Purchasing
Vic will make revisions and bring back
Agenda for Meeting of May 14, 2001
1. Minutes of the Meeting of May 7, 2001
2. Team Reports
3. Policy Review 7100, 7250, 7370, 7385, 7600, 6200, 6250, 6320, 6330 and balance of
6000 series beginning with 6340.
4. Summer meeting schedule
May: Policy 2510: Participation in Local Decision Making