May 21, 2001

Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of May 21, 2001
Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Hata, Dr. Simon, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Smith, Dr. Caldwell, Ms
Caldwell, and Mr. Marston.
El Camino Classified Employees - Ms. Luukia Smith
Ms. Smith reported that the Notice and Scheduling of Hearing: Negotiations – ECCE Local
6142 was not listed on the May 21, 2001 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda. Dr. Fallo
stated that a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees would be held on Friday, May 25,
2001 at 3:00 p.m. to “sunshine” subjects for negotiation to comply with public notification
Academic Senate - Mr. Doug Marston
1. The Senate passed a motion that students will not be dropped for non-payment of fees,
but that a student will not be allowed to receive transcripts or enroll in subsequent terms
until the fees are paid for a two-year time period. The motion recommends that data on
student drop rates be collected by Administration for this period.
2. The Senate has also passed a motion on the proposed 16-week calendar. This motion
was a slight revision of the previous proposal and will be presented to the board today.
President - Dr. Thomas M. Fallo
1. The first Fridays of fall and spring semesters will be days of instruction rather than flex
days. This will change number of flex days from four to two. This will go to the Board
of Trustees on June 11, 2001. A notice will go out to employees within the next two
days and students will be notified as well. This will not affect the summer schedule.
2. The 16-week calendar to be presented to the Board of Trustees by August 20, 2001.
3. The May revise includes a change from 3.91% to 3.87% for COLA; Part-time Faculty
support remains constant at 62M; 3% growth rate state wide; and 49M allocation for
energy costs over a 2-year period. Copies of tentative budget may be available later
4. All open faculty positions were authorized and released on Tuesday, May 15, 2001, and
we are hiring for all 14 positions.
5. College Council will not meet until August 20, 2001. A special meeting can be called if
needed. There will be three Board of Trustee meetings in the summer, if there are any
questions about agenda items, please call Dr. Fallo’s office.
Policies: The following policies were discussed:
2510: Participation in Local Decision Making
Not ready yet.
7370: Political Activities
Ready for Board Approval with last
sentence change.
6700: Civic Center and Other Facilities Use
Ready for Board Approval.
6750: Parking
Hold until 5030 is submitted.
6800: Safety
Ready for Board Approval (change bullets
to numbers)
6900: Bookstore
Ready for Board Approval (change
Bookstores to singular)
Agenda for Meeting of August 20, 2001
1. Minutes of the Meeting of May 21, 2001
2. College Council Operations & Logistics
3. Board Meeting Agenda
4. State Budget
5. Compressed Calendar
6. Policy Review 5000 series; Policies: 7130: Compensation, 7335: Health Examinations
7. Team Reports