April 15, 2002

EL CAMINO COLLEGE-Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of April 15, 2002
Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Mr. Marston, Mr.
Mc Blaine, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Stewart.
Hiring Suspension
Ms. Smith is still concerned about the faculty hiring proceeding. She asked if would be
all right for faculty to do overloads. Dr. Hata responded that faculty is overloaded to the
max. Another question posed by Ms. Smith was could part-timers fill full-time
positions? Dr. Fallo responded that we have not been successful in doing those. It is a
sellers market in the faculty range and there are a lot of positions out there, and we cannot
fill our spots.
Dr. Simon inquired as to what the guidelines for employment during the hiring
suspension are. Mr. Hanson distributed a revised “Managers Guide to Employment
During Hiring Suspension,” which states the following:
1. Faculty hiring processes will continue during the suspension.
2. Positions required to meet federal or state funding mandates will be exempt from
the suspension.
3. Current employees will be allowed to work out-of-class to fill current vacancies.
Individuals working out-of-class will be allowed to compete for that position if it
is approved for recruitment.
4. Requests to extend the 170-day temporary employment limit to 190 days will be
approved on a case-by-case basis. Managers authorized to extend the employment
limit will be held accountable and will be subject to disciplinary action should
these temporary employees exceed the 190-day limit. Extension requests are only
applicable in those instances where existing vacancies are being recruited or in
instances where vacancies may occur.
5. Acting positions are designated for managers or supervisors. Individuals named to
interim or acting positions will be allowed to compete if the full-time position is
California Community Colleges Day at the Capitol, April 30, 2002
The following will attend: Ms. Caldwell, Dr. Fallo, Ms. Garten, Ms. Smith, and Dr.
Simon. The Associated Students Organization will be sending 5-10 students. Ms Garten
will conduct a brief training during the April 22, 2002 College Council meeting, students
are welcome to participate.
Policy 4020: Program and Curriculum Development
There was discussion about changing the second paragraph of the policy proposed by the
College Curriculum Committee. It was suggested that the authority to approve new
courses and programs, deletions, or modification to current courses and programs be
delegated to the President/Superintendent in order to expedite the process. Dr. Simon
will take this suggestion to the College Curriculum Committee for feedback.
Amplified Sound
Mr. McBlaine distributed his Proposed Policy and Procedures for Amplified Sound for
review. The cost to construct a movable stage is exorbitant and not within their budget.
They will go ahead with the decibel testing and will report back next week.
Linking Planning to Budgeting
Ms. Smith and Dr. Simon are not in agreement of the proposed combining of the
Planning and Budgeting Committees. Dr. Simon will have further discussion with both
Procedure 801
At the April 9, 2002 College Council meeting the committee concentrated on “Functions
of the College Council.” It was decided that the introduction should read, “The role of
the College Council is to bring together all constituent groups to facilitate development
and understanding of college-wide recommendations.” The Vice-President’s will prepare
a draft with this revision, and work on clarifying the role of College Council.
Proposed 2003-2004 Calendar
Dr. Caldwell distributed this proposed calendar.
Agenda for the College Council Meeting of Monday, April 22, 2002
1. Minutes for April 15, 2002
2. California Community Colleges Day at the Capitol Training
3. Amplified Sound
4. Graduation and Transfer
5. Policies: 4020- Program and Curriculum Development; 5010- Admissions; 5015Residence Determination; 5500-Standards of Student Conduct; 7400-Travel
6. Team Reports
Policy 2510 pending until Procedure 801 resolved