EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the President Minutes of the College Council Meeting of June 24, 2002 Present: Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Caldwell, Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Mr. Marston, Ms. Pickens and Dr. Simon. Planning and Budgeting Committee Membership: Chair, Bobbi Villalobos Academic Affairs – Tom Jackson Academic Senate – Lance Widman Administrative Services – Cheryl Shenefield Associated Student Body Organization – Darren Peters El Camino Classified Employees – Luukia Smith to appoint someone El Camino college Federation of Teachers – Bernie Rang Management Representative – Mike D’Amico Student and Community Advancement – Bo Morton Accreditation Report We have been fully accredited. A progress report must be prepared for their follow up visit in April 2003 for the following recommendations: 1) The College must improve and implement an effective program review processes. 2) The College must review and establish a consistently applied, thorough, objective, and accountable system of classified staff performance review. 3) The budget development process needs to be structurally linked to institutional planning and program review process. 4) The College’s 1992 governance policy and current college consultation procedure needs to be updated and clarified into one governance policy and procedure system. Facilities Needs The Community Advisory Committee will meet June 25, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. Policies A list of CCLC recommended board policies not completed and a list of old board policies for renumbering or deletion were distributed. Each Vice President is to review appropriate sections and report back on August 19, 2002. The following policies were discussed. 4020-Curriculum and Program Review and Approval- this will be put on the next Academic Senate agenda. 4040-Library-approved and ready for Board approval 4050-Articulation-hold for Dr. Caldwell’s review 5010-Admissions-under review in Dr. Caldwell’s area 5015-Residence Determination-under review in Dr. Caldwell’s area 5500-Standards of Student Conduct-distributed for review for discussion in October 2002 5510-Student’s Rights and Responsibilities-under review in Dr. Caldwell’s area 7400-Travel-hold further discussion between Dr. Hata and Dr. Simon is needed 7150-Administrator’s Professional Development Fund-waiting for feedback from Ms. Ely’s area Hiring Freeze The Vice Presidents have prepared a listing of Priority Order to Fill Frozen Positions that is broken up in three categories. Category one recruitment begins August 2002, category two recruitment begins November 2002, and category three recruitment begins January 2003. Team Reports Student and Community Advancement - Dr. Patricia Caldwell Jeff Dimsdale is leaving. Moving ahead on reorganization. Arvid Spor will be Acting Dean of Enrollment Services beginning July 1, 2002. Dr. Regina Smith will be Dean of Counseling and Student Services. AFT, Local 1388 - Dr. Angela Simon Faculty are requesting that registration close at 4:00 PM rather than 12:00 PM on August 29, 2002 to give students more time. Dr. Caldwell and Mr. Hanson will respond to this request on July 15, 2002. Academic Affairs - Dr. Nadine I. Hata Dr. Joy Albert is retiring. Barbara Perez will serve as Acting Dean of Natural Sciences. Agenda for Meeting of July 15, 2002 1. Minutes of the Meeting of June 24, 2001 2. Facilities Needs 3. Team Reports 4. Policies 4020 – Curriculum and Program Review Approval (Fall) 5010 – Admissions 5015 – Residence Determination 5120 – Transfer Center 5500 – Standards of Student Conduct (October 7, 2002) 5550 – Speech: Time, Place & Manner 7400 – Travel August 19, 2002- “Old” Policy review – VP’s