November 9, 2004

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
November 9, 2004
_x_Rocky Bonura
_x_Mike D’Amico
_x_Janice Ely
_x_Pam Fees
___Bob Gann
_x_Vic Hanson
_x_Alex Kelley
_x_Donna Manno
___David Miller
_x_Andy Nasatir
_x_Lynnda Nelson
___Allene Quarles
_x_Marcy Wade
_x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of October 19 and November 2 were approved. It was noted that there is still
time to submit comp time reports.
Q-Builder Status: Donna reported that there is a Windows XP fix which has to be installed
individually on each machine. Anyone on XP without the fix would have problems with Q-Builder.
The installation takes about 5 minutes, and the problems have cleared up on those they have already
done. The company is currently working on an XP install for updates. Satish expressed concern
about how future Microsoft updates will affect Q-Builder and vice versa. Vic will check with Pat
Caldwell and Jim Schwartz and notify Donna as to when the VPs can receive training on how to
access summary Q-Builder reports.
Center for International Education: Copies of the organization chart for the new Center for
International Education (CIE) were shared with the group. This pilot program, approved at the
October 19 Board meeting, is to be headed by Bo Morton. They are currently trying to bring all the
scattered offices together in one location. Janice volunteered to be on the advisory committee to
look at financial side, so Vic will offer her services to them. It was noted that since Leo Rachman is
a classified employee, he would be working out of class under this reorganization. Alex suggested
putting Leo under Bill Mulrooney to avoid the problem.
Program Review: Donna has been collecting a lot of program review material from other colleges,
and those who would like copies of this material should let her know. Vic noted that it is important
to understand exactly what the Accreditation Report requires and what is needed to fulfill the
requirements. So far we have only done data collection. Other components, including overview of
programs, program profiles, program requirements, recommendations, status of continuous review
of recommendations, etc., still need to be done. Alex noted that all the information being sought is
already in the Facilities Master Plan and the Technology Plan; it’s just in a different format.
Donna’s understanding is that Arvid’s accreditation document is to provide the official format,
however, Vic questioned this because it didn’t go through Cabinet. The report is due at the end of
this year, and we should try to have something for December Board. The first step appears to be to
divide the divisions into groups for the three-year cycle. Human Resources and the VP office will
be in year one (2004-05) of this cycle, and the others will be divided between the second and third
year. An outline is needed to show when the report is due for each group. A listing of the programs
under each area is also needed. Donna will share with the Accreditation Committee what our
commitment is.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Donna Manno
 They will be starting Omni training for faculty members who already have Web sites.
She (not the vendor) sets them up. Alex noted that ITS doesn’t have the staff to
support all the separate Web packages some faculty have used and so will only be
supporting Omni. It was his understanding that this was the reason the college went
with Omni. Those with questions about other packages will be referred to Donna or
to Omni.
 The training position will close next week. She was reminded that the president
wants to approve all hiring committee members before they start.
Marcy Wade
 She is already getting referrals from Mattie for the placement area she hasn’t assumed
yet. They are looking at relocating this function to Rocky’s upstairs office; however, this
is contingent on Rocky moving down stairs, and some remodeling is needed first. The
519 forms have already been done, and David created a proposal; however, the plan
hasn’t been reviewed yet. Everyone affected by the move has been informed, and they
will be ready to move as soon as the remodeling is complete. It was noted that 519s go
to VPs first. Also noted: The employment processing component is the only part that
will be transferring to HR. Student employment processing will be included.
 At the request of the committee, all the work on the Dean of Natural Science position
had been rushed, and it was due to go tomorrow. However, Jim Schwartz has informed
her that the committee now wants to pull it so they can change the brochure, which had
already been done. She expressed her frustration at disorganized thinking like this that
results in wasted time and money, both of which are in short supply.
 Allene went to a preview of Laco training and will report on it at a future meeting.
 Vic stressed the importance of getting positions on the December Board if possible. He
will provide place holders for positions if it is close to the deadline. Let Marcy know if
you need a place holder.
Janice Ely
 They are waiting for the preliminary audit report.
 The staff member who does financial aid accounting resigned last week.
Andy Nasatir: Their two new hires will allow them to do more things like Internet textbook
sales. They have more than doubled the number of students served with the two C stores;
however, these stores are labor intensive.
Lynnda Nelson
 She is still working on the remodel of the old Purchasing Office area. There was a
question as to how the plans she already has will fit in with Flewellyn and Moody being
assigned to work on this project.
 She is doing the 519 form for the proposed student lounge in the Cafeteria. It is
envisioned as a quiet place to study and will have a limited menu somewhat like a coffee
shop. Someone will need to monitor student behavior, because if things get out of hand
they will have it shut down. It was suggested that the uses of the area need to be
specified in the name of the area, and rules need to be established up front to avoid the
problems the Student Activities area has.
 Ann Garten is trying to pressure Lynnda into using a company that has promised to
donate $1,000 to the Foundation if the college orders the caps and gowns from them.
However, ECC has a long standing relationship with a company that has provided very
satisfactory service and provides quality American-made merchandise.
Pam Fees
 The cashiers are fielding over 100 calls a day on the letters that went out re: fees owed,
and fees are being paid.
 Refunds are being reviewed.
 Registration for staff members begins this Thursday; for everyone else it begins Monday.
Alex Kelley
 Lucinda Aborn was claiming that the priority registration system was faulty; however,
the 26 examples she and Bill Mulrooney came up with were high school students who
weren’t eligible for priority registration.
 Beverly Johnson is out ill and may not be back.
 Web Advisor (the registration package) is down but should be back up around noon and
should be stable for the next few weeks. A major upgrade to Web Advisor may have to
be done around January 15, which would impact registration.
 They met with Gateway on Monday (a courtesy visit at Pat Caldwell’s request), and may
give them the next computer order to generate some competition with Dell and other
computer companies.
 They are close to publishing the computer replacement implementation schedule. This
will notify staff members when their machines will be replaced, what they will have on
them, etc. Any data that they want to transfer to the new machine should be moved to
My Documents, and ITS will move that file for them. ITS will also remove the old
machine to prevent it from becoming part of a replacement scam.
 At least three people will be working during Christmas break (8 hours a day only).
 Information on the transition to Portal should be out early next week. Hard copies will
be sent via campus mail to everyone. It was stressed that signing on and letting others
use your machine under your password is a security breach.
Satish Warrier
 Due to lack of manpower, Don Treat and the technical support group will no longer be
doing individualized tailoring on computers.
 They have two hiring panels going and are aiming for one more.
 The new version of Cognos will require ID and a password; consequently, once Infonet
is discontinued, vendors will not have access to the system. The new version will be
reviewed with Vic and Pam.
Rocky Bonura
 Everyone is excited about the planned office moves.
 He met with Torrance Memorial re: defibrillators. Users will need to be trained –
maybe at Flex Day?
 They met re: the 15-passenger vans and have a recommendation.
Mike D’Amico
 Security measures for new HUMA building are grossly inadequate. Campus Police and
ITS weren’t included in the initial planning, and now there is no money for changes. He
met with the architect from LPA and gave strong recommendations for what is needed.
Alex noted that this problem happened with the Natural Science building also, and
strongly suggested that the VPs need to require that outer doors in new buildings have
electronic locks. In areas where these have already been installed (like HR), thefts have
ceased completely because the system records who went in and when.
 There was a kidnapping and assault on Monday morning at 4 a.m. Campus Police
already know who the suspect is and have a warrant for his arrest.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.