Administrative Services Staff Meeting November 4, 2003 PRESENT: __x_Rocky Bonura __x_Janet Clarke __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Maurice Elmore _vac_Janice Ely __x_Pam Fees __x_Bob Gann __x_Vic Hanson __x_Alex Kelley __x_Donna Manno __x_David Miller ____Andy Nasatir ____Lynnda Nelson __x_Allene Quarles __x_Marcy Wade Minutes: Corrections: Under Wayfaring - delete the item about letters being desirable. The minutes of October 21 were then approved. Annual Reports: Start thinking about doing an annual report – if not in Q-builder, then in the old format. They are due December 20. For the 2003-04 year, everyone was waiting for the new goals to be put into the Q-builder program. It was noted that work on Q-builder is for the 2004-05 year. The Management Forum this Thursday will be on this topic. Frozen Positions: The next review of the frozen position list is scheduled for January. Vic will be requesting one additional police officer. Managers are to let him know by the end of November if they have other staffing needs. Maurice will put his request for an additional custodian in writing. There was discussion regarding whether the 40% Web position should be permanent parttime or temporary classified. The staffing requisition will be returned to Vic until the question is answered. It was noted that when the proposal was initially written, Annette Owens still held the position, so the request was only for a 1 to 2 year period until the budget crisis improved. Alex stressed (and Donna agreed) that a part-time person cannot coordinate the entire Web program. A full-time person is needed for at least a year or the program is doomed to fail. It was noted that the Web Task Force (which is chaired by Ann Garten) met yesterday, and there should be minutes from that meeting. Budget: In response to a question as to when expenditures will be uploaded into the system, Pam reported that some errors occurred during an upload from People Soft and PBA, and this is causing problems. The payroll piece is being worked on, and they are working to resolve the huge stack of error reports and have had to do some recoding. It was noted that only 40% of the budget was to be authorized for expenditure during the first six months of the year. The problem is that users can’t see what the expenditures are. Other than the exceptions noted in the July 7 memo re: budget cuts, it will probably be pretty much a rollover budget. Pam is developing the 2004-05 preliminary budget for presentation to the Board in December. It will include a forecast for 2005-06. Winter Closure: Draft copies of the winter recess announcement were shared with the group. It may go out next week, so there is still time for input. Comments: How will it work if an employee wants to work but the manger wants to close the office? It was noted that relocation is not necessarily going to happen. Alex suggested that the wording be changed from “choose” to “allow” or “approve” at the end of the third paragraph for those who need to be here. If the reason for closing is not saving money, what is it? It was noted that when the original closure announcement was made and then rescinded, a question arose as to the legality of closing. There is a problem with employees being forced to take vacation at a time they don’t want to take it. Personnel necessity could be used, but it’s not being advertised. It was suggested that the third paragraph be replaced with words to the following effect: “Managers will encourage employees to take vacation or CT if the workload allows.” Decisions about closing that affect ECC’s customers should come from Cabinet, not individual managers. Many offices that provide crucial services to students always close, regardless of the inconvenience to students. It was suggested that the memo should specify which offices can’t close. Vic will take this information back to Pat Caldwell for modification of the memo. Committee Reports/Division Issues Janet Clarke She talked with Arvid Spor yesterday re: planning objectives, and he will attend their next staff meeting. Trends and projections forms will also be addressed. The February deadline has been moved up to December 19. It was noted that each division must have at least one objective for each of the three identified goals. There was a question as to whether Administrative Services has three goals or four, which led to discussion on the confusion caused by the three different versions of the strategic goals list. First they were numbered, then the order was changed and they were lettered, and then they were numbered again in a different order. Bond bids are being processed. It was unclear how they got there, but there are some supplies on the bond equipment list. Rocky Bonura Another session of the emergency training (level 1) will be held on November 20. The basement project going well. The room is empty and now needs to be cleaned before files can be put back in. Refer workers’ comp claim problems back to him. He is making an effort to clean up contract language on this. Pam Fees The auditors are still working on the books (fixed assets). Regarding the student fees letter, they are averaging 40 phone calls each day on the message machine and about 20 walk ins. Most claim they never attend the class(es). It was noted that if they never attended the class, they can file a petition. The auditors feel that ECC shouldn’t have booked the anticipated high school summer program expenditure as a deferred expense. It is requiring that the difference between the anticipated amount and the actual amount now be returned to the budget. Marcy Wade They have done ten days of classified negotiations. Nine chapters remain, and they are making good progress. They will be at ACHRO November 13 and 14. More arbitration dates will be necessary for a grievance. Donna Manno: The Calendar Committee will resurvey faculty again on designated finals week issue. The Web Task Force will schedule the Omni people to come out and do a demo. Holiday Lunch: The Elephant Bar was the first choice for the location of the holiday lunch. Second choice was the Cheesecake Factory. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m. staf114