EL CAMINO COLLEGE PLANNING & BUDGET COMMITTEE October 17, 2002 MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Bobbi Villalobos, Chair Michael D’Amico Thomas Jackson Bo Morton Darren Peters Bernie Rang Cheryl Shenefield Lance Widman ALSO ATTENDING: Pat Caldwell, Steve Fasteau, Pam Fees, Victor Hanson, Alex Kelley, Donna Manno, Donna Post Bobbi Villalobos called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. 1. MINUTES After a brief discussion, it was moved and seconded (Rang/Morton) that the minutes of the October 4, 2002, meeting be approved as submitted. The motion carried. At the request of several committee members, the minutes will be posted on Infonet as well as sent to interested campus members. 2. PLANNING PROCESS TASK FORCE REPORT Bobbi Villalobos reported that the Planning Process Task Force met and discussed the process for revising the El Camino College Master Plan. She distributed the existing College Master Planning Process and a flow chart titled, “Recommended 2003 El Camino College Master Plan Revision Process,” that reflected the task force’s recommendations. The task force recommended that scanning, forecasting, and related information from Information Technology Services and Institutional Research be compiled prior to a Planning Retreat, which would have participation from all areas of the campus, to develop institutional goals. After the retreat, the information would be synthesized and submitted to the Planning & Budgeting Committee for its review and revisions, resulting in the Educational Master Plan. Once the PBC approved the document, it would be submitted to the College Council for its review and recommendations. Following College Council review, an open forum, such as those being held for the new calendar, would be held, which may or may not lead result in the need for the PBC to make further revisions. Finally, the new Educational Master Plan would be submitted to the President for final review and Board of Trustees approval. During the ensuing discussion, the committee determined that if PBC meeting agenda was posted on Infonet, various advisory committees and area council representatives, as well as representatives from the community, would have the opportunity to provide input towards developing the goals. Lance Widman asked if the “Constituent Groups” box on the chart needed to be included since College Council (and the PBC) has representation from all areas. The PBC members thought that it would give more people an opportunity to participate in the process. Pat Caldwell pointed out that the most significant change in the process was adding the Planning Retreat. It was also noted that “Information Systems” is now called “Information Technology Services.” As the discussion concluded, it was moved and seconded (Rang/Peters) to adopt the recommended Master Plan Revision Process as amended. The motion carried. 3. EDUCATIONAL MASTER PLAN TASK FORCE REPORT Bobbi Villalobos said the Educational Master Plan Task Force would schedule a meeting to determine the next step in implementing the new planning process. 1 4. AREA BUDGET REPORTS On behalf of Arvid Spor, Bobbi Villalobos briefly reviewed the effect of budget cuts on ECC’s Middle College High School Program (Afternoon College/ECC Prep School). Although the Chancellor’s Office has lost a large portion of the money for this program, the impact on ECC’s program will be minimal. Bobbi explained that because of a few position changes (Arvid Spor to acting Dean of Enrollment Management, e.g.) the ECC Prep School, targeting those high school students who have potential but are at-risk of not continuing an education, is doing well due to the money saved by putting the program under the direction of the Director of Outreach and School Relations office much like the Afternoon College Program. This reduction in salary costs minimized the effect of the budget cut and enabled the program to continue to provide those services to students. Donna Manno distributed a summary of the 2001-02 Staff Development budget and reviewed program changes as a result of the deletion of the AB 1725 Faculty & Staff Development Funds and TTIP HR Training Funds. Although staff development funds have been eliminated from the state budget, carryover of TTIP funds will cover staffing and orientations for the remainder of this year. The biggest impact for the campus will be the lack of funds available to supplement conference attendance. She added that this budget cut would not affect classified professional growth funds, which is handled through Human Resources. The staff development office is pursuing other options to continue providing support for the innovation center, including providing in-house training. Bobbi mentioned that the Partnership of Excellence funding for the Learning Communities Program includes many faculty professional development opportunities that all faculty members are invited to participate. 5. BUDGET STATUS REPORT/UPDATE Vic Hanson distributed the 2003-04 Budget Calendar, as well as the most recent 2001-02 recalculation figures from the Chancellor’s Office. He noted that the funded FTES had been reduced, which would impact the base for this year, but since this is the first of three possible recalculations throughout this year, these figures do not reflect the final report. In response to questions from the committee, Vic Hanson provided a brief clarification of growth funding. He added that Arvid Spor, along with the Dean’s Council and the union, is developing an Enrollment Management Plan that will be submitted to the PBC for its review when the plan is finalized. 6. BOND UPDATE Pat Caldwell gave a brief update regarding the upcoming bond election and said that a third mailer is in process and that signs in support of Measure E have been posted throughout the nine communities of the district. She acknowledged the support of students, as well as many divisions, to staff the phone banks and announced that endorsements have been received from many local organizations, chambers of commerce, city councils, school boards, and other public and private entities. In response to questions regarding AB 465, the state education bond and its affect on the campus as a whole, Pat Caldwell responded that she would try to have information for the next meeting. 7. PBC RECOMMENDATION PROCESS Bobbi Villalobos said that she had received concerns from members of the PBC regarding making decisions on an item or proposal submitted to the PBC without time to review it. It was the consensus of the committee that proposals or requests for the PBC become a two-meeting process. 2 The item should be received on the agenda with supporting documentation provided. Discussion and comments would be held at the second meeting prior to a committee vote on the issue. 8. AGENDA DEVELOPMENT Cost Neutral of Intersession – Course Management Cafeteria Program – Update and Report Dr. Caldwell presented an outstanding certificate of appreciation to Lance Widman and thanked him for his many years of service on the DPC and PBC. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:22p.m. 3