June 3, 2004

Planning & Budgeting Committee
June 3, 2004
Bobbi Villalobos – Chair
Susan Taylor
Harold Tyler
Carolee Casper
David Vakil
Thomas Jackson
Miriam Alario
Lance Widman
Susan Dever
Cheryl Shenefield
ALSO ATTENDING: Mike D’Amico, Pam Fees, Victor Hanson, Patricia Caldwell
2004-05 Academic Software Prioritization
State Budget Update #8 - May 21, 2004
Resolution in Support of Filling the Curriculum Office Secretary Position
Memo dated June 3 - S & B Food Operators
Bobbi Villalobos called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the May 20, 2004 meeting were approved with corrections. It was clarified that the planning
cycle flow chart and recommendation #1 of the two-part recommendation presented by Arvid Spor at
the May 20, 2004 meeting was approved. Recommendation #2 failed.
Old Business
Bobbi Villalobos discussed the Academic Senate Resolution in Support of Filling the Curriculum Office
Secretary Position. The PBC members were reminded that the Curriculum Review Task Force stressed
the need for a Curriculum Office secretary. At the present time, the administrative assistant in the
Business division and a clerical assistant in Dr. Hata’s office are sharing the position. It was moved and
seconded to support the Academic Senate resolution and recommend that a curriculum secretary be
hired. The motion passed unanimously.
Susie Dever handed out a document regarding the 04/05 academic software needs prepared by the
Academic Technology Committee (ATC). If passed, the total cost of software funding would be
$343,017. A question was posed as to whether everything was included on the list. It was stated each
division was asked to respond and everything included in the responses was on the list. The list ties
software and licensing to the courses offered. It is an assumed on-going cost in the unit plans and
technology plan. The list consists of three categories, 1) software taught in a program or is a critical tool
in the program, 2) software that is used by a large number of students and serves a vital educational
purpose and/or is required for adaptive access, 3) software required for effective operation of computer
labs or classroom. Because there is currently no line item in the budget for academic software, the list is
now considered a wish list of things that the ATC would like to obtain for students and instructors. The
total per year to upgrade and maintain software according to the ATC is approximately $450,000
annually. In the past, funding for academic software has come from instructional supply dollars, PFE
and VTEA funds. Vic Hanson pointed out that page 63 of the budget book shows that in 02/03 software
received $183,000 from technology funds and in ¾, $200,000 was allocated.
It was moved and seconded that a general fund, unrestricted budget line item be created for academic
software to fund upgrades and replacements on an annual basis. The line item should have a minimum
of $400,000 beginning with the 2004/05 budget. The motion passed.
Planning Update
Pat Caldwell presented information on the planning process. She said that three chapters of the
Educational Master Plan are complete and that Arvid Spor has been working with Ann Garten and her
staff on production of the Educational Master Plan.
Pat also said that the vice presidents have been reviewing and prioritizing the budget requests that each
area and division completed in Q-Builder. She said that in two weeks, their recommendations for
funding will be finalized and they will share that information with PBC, Cabinet, and College Council.
Budget Update
Pam Fees handed out a copy of the State Budget Update #8 dated May 21, 2004 and compared this
information to State Budget Update #7 dated May 13, 2004 discussed at the May 20th meeting.
Recommendations to the community college budget plan were made by the Assembly and Senate
Budget Sub-committees and forwarded to the Governor. Those recommendations need to be reviewed
before the final budget is adopted. Both the senate and the assembly sub-committee have rejected the
idea of a $50 differential fee for students with BA degrees.
Bond Update
No bond update
Dawn Reid invited everyone to attend the EOPS/CalWORKs/CARE Second Annual Benefit Concert on
June 4.
Susie Dever announced that she had heard that financial aid is making an effort to have work study
awards available in July.
Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.
Recorder: Beverly Johnson