District Student Success & Support Program Committee Goals and Objectives

District Student Success & Support Program Committee
Goals and Objectives
The composition of the Student Success and Support Program Committee are the members from the Matriculation
Committee and the Student Success Tasks Force groups from the colleges. The primary focus of the Student Success
and Support Program Committee will be to work on implementing the requirements mandated by Senate Bill 1456, also
known as the Student Success Act of 2012.
The colleges need to be involved in setting parameters for implementation of the core requirements.
Implementation of an electronic Student Education Plan (SEP).
Implementation of a system wide MIS tracking for all services funded in the SSSP.
Establish a student process for granting priority enrollment to students and establish a process for appealing the
loss of enrollment priority.
Identify and provide intervention service to students who are on academic or progress probation for two
consecutive terms.
Identify, validate and implement multiple measures as part of placement assessment tools.
Ensure that assessment instruments are valid
Identify and develop an “early alert” system.
Invite Linda Michalowski to discuss the Score Card and the metrics.