REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) March 16, 2015 1:10-2:30 pm Agenda and Notes EMC Mission In support of the college's mission and strategic plan, the Enrollment Management Committee analyzes trends and uses data to recommend strategies to optimize enrollment. 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Discussion Items 2.1 Draft Enrollment Management Plan—The evacuation of past activities and potential future activities was discussed. Sheila, Tracey and Erin will review the planned activities and make sure that the EM plan is aligned with the SSSP, SEP and Basic Skills plans. 3. Reports 3.1 Angelina reported on the Retention system and the need to get buy-in from faculty. The system will be discussed at the April 3 Academic Senate meeting. 4. Future Agenda items 4.1 Finalize Enrollment Management Plan 5. Announcements: Adjournment 1