1human biology.ppt

Human Biology
• Science is the study of the natural world
• Biology is the study of living things
• Living things have a different molecular composition than nonliving things
• Everything is composed from the same set of around 100 different
• Living organisms combine elements in unique ways, to make molecules
• Living things require energy and raw materials (molecules)
• Metabolism consists of the physical and chemical processes
involved in transforming energy & molecules so that life can
be maintained
• Living things are
made of cells
• Cell is the
smallest unit that
exhibits all the
characteristics of
• Cells arise from
existing cells
• Some organisms
exist as only one
• Living things maintain
a relatively constant
internal environment
known as
• Living things respond
to their external
environment to keep
homeostasis relatively
• Living things grow &
• Populations of lining
things evolve to better
survive environmental
• Biologists grouped
living things into 5
• Monera – bacteria –
have no nuclei
• Animalia
• Plantae have green
pigment called
chlorophyll to
capture energy of
sunlight to use in
• Fungi are
• Protista are
unicellular or simple
• Animals are
divided into
• ‘Vertebrate’ is the
subgroup that
humans belong to
• ‘Species’ are the
smallest units of
the classification
system populations of
organisms with
similar physical &
characteristics that
interbreed and
produce fertile
• Things that
• Bipedal – we are
mammals that
prefer to stand
upright and walk
on two legs
• Opposable thumbs
• Large brain mass
relative to body
• Capacity for
complex language
• Evolution is what caused the diversity of life
• It is an unpredictable and natural process of descent
over time due to genetic modifications
• Populations of organisms undergo slow changes that
make them different from their ancestors, caused by
mutations to their genes
• Evolution is affected by natural selection, historical
events, changing environments, and chance
• Microevolution is a result of
genetic changes that create a
new species from an existing one
• Macroevolution is change that
happens to many species as a
result of an environmental event
• Charles Darwin hypothesis that
life arose and descended from
one early life form – descent with
modification from the original life
• Evidence from fossils – remnants
of organisms covered with layers
of sediment (stratification), which
aids in dating over time
• On organisms,
homologous structures
have a common origin,
analogous structures
have a common
function, and vestigial
structures are ones that
evolved to have no
current important
• Similarities are seen in
comparisons of
embryos and
development of organs
• Similarities in proteins
and genes show
• Continental drift, natural
selection, and extinctions
from environmental
events affect gene flow
• Humans are primate
• Primates have 5 fingers,
flat nails, forward-facing
eyes and include
lemurs, monkeys, apes,
and humans (hominids
with bigger brains)
• All have opposable
• Apes are a sub-group –
gibbons, orangutans,
gorillas, chimps
• Ardipithecus ramidus –
primates diverged from
apes 4.4 million years
ago in Africa – ‘Ardi’
• Australopithecus
afarensis an African
hominid is a direct
ancestor of humans, 3.2
million years ago – Lucy
was found in Ethiopia
They walked upright,
had thick teeth enamel,
males were much larger
than females, and they
had long arms to travel
in trees
• Homo habilis –
toolmakers, 2.4 million
years ago, with larger
brains, used stone tools
• Homo erectus, from 1.8 million
years ago, migrated to Java and
China, used specialized tools,
and engaged in more
• Homo heidelbergensis gave rise
to the Neanderthals, discovered
in Germany
• Homo sapiens (today’s human)
evolved from Homo erectus in
Africa, crossed to Yemen, then
migrated to all parts of the
• Homo floresiensis – another
extinct species, discovered in
Indonesia in 2004
• Science is defined as
knowledge of the
natural world
• The process used to
get that knowledge is
the called the
scientific method
• Get an idea & test it
• Observe & generalize
– inductive reasoning
• Formulate an
• Make a testable
prediction – deductive
reasoning ‘if…, then…’
• Experiment or observe
• Draw conclusions
• Experimental
• Controlled
experiments –
everything is
similar (controlled)
except for one
thing - the
controlled variable
• Modify the
hypothesis and
• Make the findings
• Well tested
becomes a theory
• Critical
• Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space
• An element is the fundamental unit of matter that can’t be
further broken down into different structures
• An atom is the smallest unit of any element that still retains
its physical and chemical properties
• The nucleus of an atom is
made up of positive
charged protons and
neutral particles called
• Atomic number = number
of protons
• Atomic weight = average
number of protons plus
neutrons for that element
• Electrons – small
negatively charged
particles that orbit the
• Electrons orbit in shells:
• 2–8–8
• In a neutral atom #
protons = # electrons
• Isotopes of an atom
have different
numbers of neutrons
• Some are unstable
because they give off
energy until they
become more stable
• Radioisotopes give off
radiation but are also
• They decay into other
elements at a set rate,
are used to see the
age of fossils
• Ions of an atom have a
different number of
electrons, so they have
a positive charge if
there are less
electrons, or negative
charge if there are
more electrons
Molecules are atoms attached to each other
Energy is the capacity to do work
Stored energy is called potential energy
Energy in motion is called kinetic energy
• Atoms are most
stable when
their outer
electron shell is
• Covalent bonds
involve sharing
electrons to fill
the outer shell
• This is one way
to connect
atoms to make
a molecule
• Ionic bonds
occur between
charged ions,
that are weaker
than covalent
bond and break
down in
solutions to
• Hydrogen
bonds are weak
ionic bonds
when there is
positive and
negative ends
of the
• Important
example is
• Living organisms
contain primarily 6
elements: oxygen,
carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, calcium,
• All life depends on
• Water molecules are polar
with (+) & (-) sides (poles)
• It is a liquid at body
• Water can absorb and hold
heat energy which
prevents dramatic changes
in body temperature – 98.6
or 37 centigrade
• Water is the universal
biological solvent –
organism chemicals are
dissolved in water
• Polar molecules are
attracted to water so they
are called hydrophilic
• Nonpolar molecules are
repelled by water, called
• A molecule of water can
break down into a
hydrogen and hydroxide
• pH measures hydrogen
ion concentration, as the
negative log of its
• Water is pH of 7.0, which
is neutral
• Acids are solutions that
break down to form
hydrogen ions
• Bases break down to form
hydroxide ions or to get
the ability to combine
with a hydrogen ion
• Acids have pH
less than 7
• Bases have pH
greater than 7
• Blood pH is
7.35 – 7.45
• Buffers minimize changes in pH by either taking up
or adding hydrogen ions
• Organic molecules
contain carbon and
are held together by
covalent bonds
• Carbon (C) makes
up 0.03% of the
earth and 18% of
the body’s weight
• C has 6 electrons, 2
in inner orbit, 4 in
outer orbit
• Forms covalent
• Cells build
using dehydration
synthesis and break
them down using
• Carbohydrates are
used by living
organisms for
energy and
structural support
• Monosaccharides
are the simplest
form and link to
• Important
carbohydrates are
glucose, fructose,
sucrose, ribose,
• Polysaccharides are joined in straight or branched chains by
dehydration synthesis
• Glycogen is storage polysaccharide of glucose in animals
• Starch is equivalent in plant
• Cellulose is a glucose polysaccharide used for structure by
plants that we do not have the enzymes to break down
• Lipids are hydrophobic
– insoluble in water
• Triglycerides are made
from glycerol and 3
fatty acids
• Saturated fats have 2
hydrogens for each
• Unsaturated fats (oils)
have double bonds
between carbons
• Lipid is stored in
adipose tissue
• phospholipids have a
phosphate group
substituting for one
fatty acid
• Steroids are also
• Have backbone
of three 6
carbon rings
and one 5
carbon ring
• Cholesterol is
most common
form & is an
component of
cell membranes
and steroid
• Proteins are strings of amino acids – there are 20 different
amino acids
• Each has an animo group, carboxyl acid group, and an R group
• R groups can be neutral, polar, negative, positive, nonpolar
• Our cells can make 11 amino acids and an important cell
function is to form polypeptides & proteins
• Proteins are linked amino acids
• Primary structure is the simple
sequence of amino acids
• Secondary structure is how the
chain of amino acids interacts
with each other
• Tertiary structure is the outward
appearance of the protein from
hydrogen bonding, disulfide
covalent bonds between
cysteines, affected by
environment – hydrophobic,
hydrophilic parts
• Quarternary structure – how
different polypeptides associate
with each other
• Enzymes are proteins that help with biochemical
reactions – are catalysts (speed up the reaction)
• Take reactants (substrates) and turn them into
products by using their shapes and charges (+ or -)
• Cells are enclosed by a plasma membrane
• Raw materials, energy, waste enter & leave only by crossing
the membrane
• Eukaryote cells have an internal nucleus enclosed by nuclear
• The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer with
cholesterol & proteins, called a fluid mosiac –
because it is not rigid
• The cell membrane is selectively permeable
• Things cross the membrane by diffusion, osmosis,
facilitated transport (all follow a concentration
gradient and don’t take energy), or active transport
– movement against a concentration gradient which
requires energy
• Phagocytosis, pinocytosis, use of receptor proteins
are other methods
• If the cell is hypotonic, (like when the body is
dehydrated) it loses fluids to surrounding solution &
shrinks, if hypertonic (like when the body is bloated)
the opposite happens
• isotonic means the same concentration as the
surrounding solution
• Organelles are working units in the cell, and include
the nucleus, ribosomes, rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes,
perixosomes, vesicles, and mitochondria
• Flagella, cilia, microvilli, centrioles are structures
associated with the cell
• The nucleus is the part of the cell that contains the chromosomes
• Chromosomes are made up of DNA, humans have 23 pairs altogether, 22 of
autosomes, and one pair of sex chromosomes
• There are pairs because of one is inherited from the father and one from
the mother
• Areas of the chromosomes called genes hold the instructions for making
specific proteins – the genetic code
• Genes of the paired chromosomes are called alleles, can be alike
(homozygous) or different (heterozygous), one from the mother, one from
the father; can be dominant or recessive; can affect appearance or function
• Nucleic acids store
genetic information
• DNA is the
abbreviation for
Acid – and it makes
up genes that
contain instructions
for producing
RiboNucleic Acid
• RNA contains
instructions for
making proteins
• Both are made of
nucleotides that
have a 5 carbon
sugar, a nitrogenous
base, and
phosphate groups
• DNA bases are
adenine, thymine,
cytosine, guanine
• A-T C-G
• Genetic code is on one
of the DNA strands,
the other side holds it
• Every 3 bases codes
for a specific amino
• These are instructions
for formation of a
strand of messenger
RNA that is specific for
the amino acid
sequence of proteins
• RNA bases are
adenine, uracil,
cytosine, guanine
• Messenger RNA
brings the genetic
information to
either ribosomes
or rough
reticulum for
protein synthesis
• At the ribosome,
transfer RNA
matches the
messenger RNA
code and brings
amino acids, which
become linked by
synthesis to form
• Proteins that get secreted go from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the
golgi apparatus, where they are altered into the final product
• Lysosomes are membrane bound proteins that function in waste
• Smooth endoplasmic reticulum functions in different ways - as storage
containers for ions, sites of detoxification, sites of lipid synthesis or breakdown, depending on the cell’s needs
• Metabolism –
chemical reactions
in the organism,
either anabolism
where molecules
get assembled into
larger molecules
that contain more
energy – a process
that requires
energy; or
catabolism – larger
molecules are
broken down, which
releases energy
• Energy is stored in
• ATP – Adenosine
TriPhosphate – has
adenine, ribose, and
three phosphate groups
• phosphate group bonds
store huge amounts of
potential energy that is
released when the bond
is broken
• Then ATP becomes
adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) and inorganic
• Both proteins in the
cytoplasm & the
mitochondria make ATP
from glucose breakdown
• Mitochondria
produce huge
amounts ATP, and
there are more in
cells that require
more energy
• They are thought
to originate from
bacteria that
incorporated into
cells many
millions of years
• Glucose chemical
formula is C6H12O6
• Glycolysis is a process
that happens with
enzymes in the
• Glucose is split into 2,
three carbon
molecules called
glyceraldehyde-3phosphate, producing
2 ATP –
• It gets converted to
pyruvate, then lactic
acid if no oxygen is
• High energy hydrogen
ions and electrons are
taken by nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide
• Pyruvate enters the mitochondria & is converted to
acetyl CoA to enter the citric acid (Krebs) cycle, that
gives off CO2 & makes ATP and more NADH & a
similar FADH2
• NADH & FADH2 bring hydrogens & electrons to the electron transport chain
• Concentration of hydrogen is higher in the outer compartment than in the
• Molecules pass hydrogens through the electron transport chain into the
outer compartment
• Oxidative phosphorylation – hydrogens diffuse back into the matrix thru a
protein that uses the energy from diffusion to make ATP as they go into the
inner compartment - makes 34 ATP and water
• Fats & proteins can
also be used for
• Fats carry more than
twice the energy of
• Triglycerides are
broken down to
glycerol and fatty
• Glycerol can be
converted to glucose
or pyruvic acid
• Fatty acids become
acetyl groups for
citric acid cycle
• Proteins can enter
after amine group is
broken off
• Vitamins are important
chemicals essential for
normal function
• The body makes vitamin
D in our skin
• Bacteria in the colon
make vitamin K, B6, and
• Fat soluble vitamins are
absorbed if there is fat in
the diet – vitamins A & E
& D & K are fat soluble
• Water-soluble vitamins
are easy to absorb but
are excreted rapidly in
the urine, and all the B
vitamins are coenzymes
in carbohydrate, nucleic
acid, or amino acid