Teacher: Phyllis King CTE Essential Standards: Public Schools of Robeson County Career and Technical Education Lesson Plan Template Subject: CSA KEYBOARDING Computer Basics Date: ALICE WORKSHOP I can Identify the parts and uses of a computer? I can explain the elements of the computer hardware system? Indicator(s): The use of a formative assessment will show students level of comprehension. Using an exit slip (graphic Organizer) I will measure students understanding also oral questioning The Learner will be able to: Identify the part of a computer Essential Question Is it possible for a computer to communicate with a human, if yes what are these devices? Technology Standard Vocabulary: 7.SI.1 Evaluate information resources based on specified criteria. Level of Bloom's Computer, CUP, Monitor, Hardware, Software, Data, People, Software, Input, Output Components. Strategies/Sequence of Instruction: Engage: Students will use prior knowledge of a computer to describe the components of a computer system. Explore: Using MS Digital Literacy Course students will discover the components of a computer Explain: The students will share their ideas and discoveries with the class. Elaborate: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/computerbasics students will discover more Ideas and fact about the internet from this site. Evaluate: Students will look at various types of computers and compare the different uses of the input, output, and storage devices Writing Component: Students will write a brief understand of how we communicate with computers and computers communicate with us. Assessment: Review using the ALICE GAME Computer Parts and then take the quiz. Resources: 21st Century Themes: 21st Century Skills: Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Reflection: Evaluating