Group 5: Assessing for Skills The Media Literate Person Uses media wisely and effectively. Engages in critical thinking when evaluating media messages. Evaluates the credibility of information from different sources.. Understands the power of visual images and knows how to “read” them. Is aware of a diverse cultural universe and appreciates multiple perspectives. Expresses him/herself clearly and creatively using different forms of media. Recognizes media's influence on beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors and the democratic process. Assessing for Skills....... 21st Century Skills Checklist Digital-Age Literacy Basic Literacy Scientific Literacy Economic Literacy Technological Literacy Visual Literacy Information Literacy Multicultural Literacy Global Awareness Inventive Thinking Adaptibility and Managing Complexity Self-Direction Curiousity Creativity Risk Taking Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning Effective Communication Teaming and Collaboration Interpersonal Skills Personal Responsibility Social and Civic Responsibility Interactive Communication High Productivity Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results Effective Use of Real-World Tools Ability to Produce Relevant, High-Quality Products A Baker's Dozen Digital Storytelling Skills Below are brief definition excerpts from Chapter 4 — "Storying Around for 21st Century Skills" — of DigiTales: the Art of Telling Digital Stories. The following skills have been identified and cross-referenced with National Standards, NETS-S, and 21st Century Skills. Cognitive Apprenticeship — practicing real-world work of digital communication Creativity and Inventive Thinking — creating multi-sensory experiences for others Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) — going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding Enduring Understanding — by telling the story of what you know and understand for others, authors deepen their own self-meaning of the topic Visual Literacy — using images to show, not tell, the narrative story Technical Literacy — mastering the craftsmanship of applying the technology tools to create powerful communication, not to just use the tools, but to mix and dance the media into illuminated understandings Information (Media) Literacy — thinking, reading, writing, and designing effective media information Effective Communication — reading and writing information beyond words Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles — addressing not only the opportunity for students to use their preferred mode of learning and thinking, but also enabling them to practice the effective use of all modalities Teaming and Collaboration — growing skills through practiced opportunities to coproduce group projects Project Management Mentality — Melvin Levin's challenge for students to practice time management of complex, involved tasks to successfully meet deadlines modeling realworld tasks Exploring Affinity — Melvin Levin's findings that when students create meaningful, engaged work, they discover themselves as successful learners. Questions for Further Thought Reflect on the video- what is the learning? Some questions for further thought....... In what ways do you model 21st century skills in your work? What 21st Century Skills have you observed in your students? What is required of us as individuals to fulfill the vision of offering 21st Century services to our students? How can K-12 educators prepare students for success in tomorrow’s world? How can we construct partnerships and networks to align both education and economic development? What is the role of schools in the 21st Century? How can we create a great intersection of all sectors (business, economic development, and workforce training) as a means to achieve a more competitive advantage? Reference