Assessment Committee Meeting Report for May 15, 2009 Attendees: Janny Nauman, Teri Kofod, Sheila Campbell, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE Bring report Sheila Next meeting 5/29 Culture & Community Team report: Anne reported (by e-mail) that Molly Hockenberry and Sam Wade have agreed to join the team. She is waiting to hear from Dan Dickman. The Committee suggested that Anne invite Michelle Slattery, too, since she is a new full-time faculty member who would bring the general education perspective to the team. Communicate suggestion to Anne Kate By Tuesday The Committee discussed creating a culture of using assessment results to make improvements. Some thoughts: A theme for the year – next year should be Culture & Community since this one coincides with the diversity strategic initiative and is under redevelopment. Could work through Department Chairs to bring to program level. Visual campaign to raise awareness (posters, TV). Do problem solving/root cause analysis to determine how to proceed. Friday, 5/29, 9:00, 149F Address in future agendas Kate Next meeting 5/29 Student Success Summit VALUE project (metarubrics) will be one of the presentations. Kate sharedinformation on the project. No new recommendations or volunteers to attend the Summit. (NOTE: Kate sent invitation to Ross Justice/Curriculum Committee on 5/1 – no response.) CLO Assessment CCSSE: Sheila provided a report of Committee’s input for aligning CCSSE question with CLOs. The Committee reviewed and made final decisions. CCSSE questions per CLO are 3 for Speech, 2 for Writing, 7 for Culture & Community, 4 for Computer Literacy, 1 for Computation, 6 for Critical Thinking. Committee also agreed that: The report will measure students’ perceptions of their exposure to the CLOs, not their level of attainment and will be useful information for curriculum review. Report will compare responses of all (from all courses selected by CCSSE) to responses from courses with students near graduation. Next Meeting