Assessment Committee Meeting Report for May 1, 2009 Attendees: Janny Nauman, Penny Snyder, Sheila Campbell, Robert Slabodnick, Anne Vinson, Jen Phenecie, Janet Boeckman, Gina Kamwithi, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION Report from HLC meeting Perspectives for assessment -- keeping it simple (simplifying rubrics); less reliance on standardized exams like CAAP (results not as informative, but does provide benchmarks); embedded assessment = capturing data from course level for CLOs. VALUE project of AAC&U = 14 rubrics, will eventually have benchmarks. Computer Literacy – Committee decided to go ahead with purchase of 120 $10 gas cards. If there are extras, they will be used later. Capstone courses have been selected; faculty have been notified; Cathy Craig is coordinating release of e-mails with e-tickets for the assessment. CLOs ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIME-LINE Follow up Kate Next week Computation Proficiency – Kate met with math faculty; definition and measurable objectives have been proposed (Committee approved); pilot of home-grown assessment test planned for 2 capstone courses and in math courses. Follow up Kate Next week Culture & Community – Anne, team leader, has recruited Sam Wade, is working on about 3 more members representing various areas of the college. Update Student Kate Success Plan Next week The Committee had suggestions to improve the Speech checklist. Make changes, send to faculty Kate Next week The Committee needs to match specific CCSSE questions with specific CLOs for CLO assessment. Committee members to do the matching, send to Sheila All Committee members Friday Troy Shutler reported to Kate that graduate follow-up survey with new CLO assessment section going out first time this quarter. Next meeting Friday May 15, 9:00