Assessment Committee Meeting Report for October 23. 2008 Attendees: Om Prendergast, Teri Brannum, Robert Slabodnick, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION Assessment Day Pilot Kate reported her discussion with Don Plotts, Betty Wells and Peg Moir: All agreed that the pilot this year will have to be optional, need incentives for student participation; Don indicated that the pilot will need to be completed before the Committee could request that participation is mandatory and that the University System of Ohio plan may have an impact on learning outcomes assessment. He also agreed that having the Assessment Day could support what may come out of the USO plan. The Committee discussed possible days for the Pilot and supported investigating further holding it on Career Expo Day (5/13/09). Health Sciences Student Inservice is the same day. Maybe something, too, with Student Activities – May Days? Something around the common hour schedule? Could classes be canceled or student participants be excused from classes? CLO Assessment Computer Literacy CLO assessment was moved to this spring. The Committee discussed the number of tests to order for Assessment Day. As part of the discussion, the Committee considered possible participation rates and the current CLO schedule. The Committee decided to recommend a change from the current 2 year cycle of assessment for each CLO to a 3 year cycle – 2 assessments tools/CLOs per year. (Limited participant pool, time to use past results to implement strategies and measure change.) With that schedule, we will attempt to do 100 computer literacy assessments this spring. Also, we will pilot a Culture and Community CLO assessment and the Speech pilot this spring. CAAP Critical Thinking, then, will move to 2010. Computation Literacy CLO needs to progress. CCSSE The Committee suggested ways to celebrate the CCSSE results for critical ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE TIMELINE Discuss with Pres Staff Kate By 11/13 meeting Order Comp Lit tests Kate Next week Develop prompts for Cult & Commun assessment Mike By 11/13 meeting Seek support of Deans and Faculty Caucus Kate By 11/13 meeting Work with John Falls Contact Don re Kate By 11/13 meeting By 11/13 Kate Celebration thinking: Leader, Newsbriefs, Division Newsletter, President’s Newsletter. Curriculum Committee The Committee is interested in pursuing via the Curriculum Committee a modification in their curriculum approval process for the purpose of incorporating more assessment. Next Meeting The new Curriculum Committee chair will be invited to join the Assessment Committee, once appointed. Next meeting is Thursday 11/13, 1:00, 149F. Pres Newsletter, Keith Stoner re Leader Bring to future meeting. Iinvite Chair meeting Kate This quarter Kate TBD