Assessment Committee Meeting Report for October 1, 2007 Attendees: Paul Sukys, Tom Prendergast, Bruce Sliney, Mike Allen, Teri Kofod, Kate Peresie Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS PERSONS RESPONSIBLE Kate TIMELINE Membership The Committee approved the following membership policy: Committee membership will consist of the Department Chairs, the Assessment Coordinator (also chairperson of the Committee), a liaison from the Curriculum Committee, a Dean, a member of the Institutional Research/Grants Department, the Assistanct to the VP of Learning and a faculty member from each division (the latter appointment for one year). Post Policy on web site Invite Anne Vinson to continue as faculty rep from HS/PS. Kate By 10/15 Recruit a faculty rep from BU/ED. Mike By 10/15 Recruit a faculty rep from Technology. Kate/Randy By 10/15 Notify Don. Kate Make request at Deans Plus meeting that reports be sent to Bruce By 10/15 Next Deans By 10/29 Current membership: Department Chairs are Mike Allen, Janet Boeckman, Jay Jacquet, Teri Kofod, Rob Slabodnick, and Randy Storms. (Two Department Chair positions are unfilled at the College.) Assessment Coordinator is Kate Peresie. Dean is Terry Coleman. Curriculum Committee liaison is Paul Sukys. IR/Grants member is Tom Prendergast. Assistant to the VP of Learning is Bruce Sliney. Faculty members are needed. 5 Column Reports Don Plotts will be excused from the Committee as he has resumed his prior duties at the College. 5 Column Reports for end of 06/07 have been submitted by CRJ, Police Academy, Respiratory Care, and Human Services – that’s all. Kate has sent e-mail requests to the DCs for more reports. These reports are public, posted on the Student Success Plan web page. CLOs Kate by end October Plus Mtg Any new degrees that are launched will also have to do pgrogram/department level learning outcomes assessment (5 Column reports). There have been no responses to the invitation to join a CLO-based learning community for faculty (presented at Professional Development Day, 9/07). WAC/SpAC for 07 – participation has fallen off. Tom will work on generating a report for the data we have. Teri has data to share with Tom. Send WAC/SpAC data to Tom Teri By 10/15 Send follow-up e-mail to faculty Work through DCs to set schedule Kate By 10/29 By 10/29 Present plan for spring pilot to Committee Check on Carmen Morrison’s Paul CAAP Critical Thinking for 07 – Tom presented the report, results are good (comparable to other, like institutions). HS scored lower – Tom has talked to Dean Jim Hull about that. The syllabus (sticker) project – faculty were engaged in the project (begun at Professional Development Day, 9/07). The Committee decided to: Send a follow-up message/reminder re: purpose, next steps. Set up a syllabus review schedule – each department/program to bring in 1-3 syllabi, Committee to provide feedback on CLOs and assessment. The CLO Assessment schedule was approved. (See addendum.) The various assessment measures are conducted every other year, minimizing costs and impact on capstone courses. For this year: Will use data from CCSSE survey conducted for AtD – will need to select from the population those students who are near graduation (and go back to 2005/06 CCSSE data to do the same for comparison). CCSSE provides information on Communication, Computer Literacy, Culture and Community, and Critical Thinking. Will do a pilot of the essay process for Culture and Community. Will do a pilot of the First Advantage testing for Computer Kate Tom By 11/26 By Course Syllabus Template Job Description Literacy. Will need to develop assessment process for Computation. The Committee needs formal acceptance from the Curriculum Committee for the latest iteration of the course syllabus template. Then send to Faculty Caucus for approval. The Committee discussed whether to drop the now 2-year attempt to add assessment to formal job descriptions. The recommendation has been languishing with the Faculty Caucus. The Committee was interested in pursuing this further and in developing a form to better collect assessment data from faculty teaching various sections of a course. Goals for The Committee’s goals for 07/08 are: 07/08 Improve CLO assessment: o Increase participation in CLO assessment. (Strategies include communicating CLO assessment schedule, advocating for including assessment responsibility in job descriptions.) o Pilot Culture and Community Essay assessment. o Pilot First Advantage Computer Literacy assessment. o Develop plan for Computation assessment. Keep current with Program/Department Level Learning Outcomes Assessment (5 Column Reports) on the Student Success Plan. Next Meeting Monday, October 15, 12:00 149F status/role in the pilot project Ask Ben Rountree to establish a team to work on Computation Get formal acceptance Tom 10/15 By 10/15 Paul By end Nov Contact Faculty Caucus re: recommendation Kate 10/29. Develop form Teri and Mike 10/29 Addendum: Core Learning Outcomes Assessment Schedule Computer Literacy CCSSE (w/ AtD) Pilot First Adv 08/09 WAC/SpAC Culture & Community CCSSE (w/ AtD) Pilot Essay Essay 09/10 CCSSE (w/ AtD) CCSSE (w/ AtD) CCSSE (w/ AtD) First Adv 10/11 WAC/SpAC Essay 11/12 CCSSE (w/ AtD) CCSSE (w/ AtD) 07/08 Communication CCSSE (w/ AtD) Shaded items occur in capstone courses. CCSSE (w/ AtD) First Adv Computation Develop Critical Thinking CCSSE (w/ AtD) Pilot CAAP ? CCSSE (w/ AtD) ? CAAP ? CCSSE (w/ AtD)