
Westside High School Lesson Plan
Teacher Name:
Savage, D
AP Macroeconomics
Feb. 16-20, 2015
What are we learning?
Daily Objective/TEKS/AP/Standards: TLW analyze the aggregate demand model
And investment demand
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
WarmUp/Do-Now/Bell Ringer
Teach/Mini Lesson
√ Video
____Pennies a Day________
Guided Practice
Other___Workbook 3-1 p 83-84
Independent Practice
√ Synthesize
:____Workbook 3-1 p 85-86
√Student summary Teacher summary
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A,
Board work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, MindMaps
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: See course content outline, Review notes
What are we learning?
Daily Objective/TEKS/AP/Standards: TLW examine the multiplier, APC, MPC
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
WarmUp/Do-Now/Bell Ringer
√Stretch Aggregate Demamd quiz
Teach/Mini Lesson
:_______Workbook, 3-2 p 87__
Guided Practice
__Workbook p 88-90___
Independent Practice
Analyze √ Synthesize √ Evaluate
√Student summary
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A,
Board work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, Mind Maps
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: See course outline/reading assignment
What are we learning?
Daily Objective:/TEKS/AP/Standards: TLW explain aggregate supply, stickiness, SR equilibrium
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
WarmUp/Do-Now/Bell Ringer
Teach/Mini Lesson
Guided Practice
Worksheet √ Reading
Other:____Workbook 3-3, 4all
Independent Practice
√ Thinkpairshare
Other:_____Large group seminar________
√Student summary
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A, Board
work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, Mind Maps
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: See course outline/reading assignment
What are we learning?
Daily Objective/TEKS/AP/Standards: TLW examine equilibrium and full employment
How will we learn it?
Learning Activities:
WarmUp/Do-Now/Bell Ringer
Teach/Mini Lesson
Guided Practi
√Document analysi
Other: Workbook 3-5
Independent Practice
√Analyze √Synthesize
√Small group
√Exit writing
How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?
Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A,
Board work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, Mind Maps
What do I need to be successful?
Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you
What do I need to before next class?
Follow Up/HW: See course outline/reading assignment