Westside High School Lesson Plan Savage, D APUSH Dates: Mar. 2-6, 2015 What are we learning? Daily Objective/TEKS/AP/Standards: evaluate student DBQ How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1; Warm Up – Stretch 2. Mini Lesson: How to use the DBQ Rubric-review 3. Guided Practice- Sample essay 4. Independent Practice – Evaluate essays 5. Closure - Debrief How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A, Board work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, Mind Maps What do I need to be successful? Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: See course content outline, Review notes . View Crash Course WWII What are we learning? Daily Objective/TEKS/AP/Standards: TLW list the events that led to WWII How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1; Warm Up – Stretch 2. Mini Lesson: Japan and Germany 3. Guided Practice- US Foreign Relations 1920-1941 ppt/video 4. Independent Practice – Evaluate US responses 5. Closure – Exit writing How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A, Board work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, Mind Maps What do I need to be successful? Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: See course outline/reading assignment Could the US have prevented our involvement in WWII? What are we learning? Daily Objective:/TEKS/AP/Standards: TLW list sigtnificant Events of WWII Wed /Thu r Tuesday Monday Teacher Name: Course: How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1; Warm Up – Stretch 2. Mini Lesson: Japan and Germany during wartime 3. Guided Practice- US and allied action. Website 4. Independent Practice – The Homefront - Website 5. Closure- Journal Entry – if I had lived during that time. How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A, Board work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, Mind Maps Friday What do I need to be successful? Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: See course outline/reading assignment See Hiroshima and the Bomb website What are we learning? Daily Objective/TEKS/AP/Standards:TLW explain consequences of the atomic bomb How will we learn it? Learning Activities: 1; Warm Up – Stretch 2. Mini Lesson: Video: Tne Bomb 3. Guided Practice- The Bomb Debate 4. Independent Practice – Evaluate US responses 5. Closure – Quiz WWII How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly? Assessment Methods /Checks for Understanding: Quizzes, Major Assessments, Q and A, Board work, Fist to Five, 4 corners, Mind Maps What do I need to be successful? Materials: See resources and websites on Syllabus page. Pick the one that works for you What do I need to before next class? Follow Up/HW: See course outline/reading assignment