Reading/Writing Math At the beginning of marking period 2, students compare and integrate information in different text types, such as poems, drama, informational text, and multimedia presentations. Students continue to identify ways they can read strategically to meet the goal of reading and making meaning from a challenging text. Students will write a character sketch identifying the actions, words and thoughts that signal particular character traits. Students extend understandings about place value and properties of operations to multiply a whole number of up to 4 digits by a 1-digit whole number. Rectangular arrays, area models, and equations are used to represent and explain calculations. Students are encouraged to flexibly decompose numbers and select from a variety of strategies, including mental math, to calculate products. Fluency with basic multiplication and division facts supports their work with multi-digit numbers. Social Studies Students study economics where they live to create a framework for examining the role that economics played in determining the destinations, goals, and actions of early European explorers. Students begin by exploring relationships among regional specialization and interdependence of people in Maryland today. Students then explore basic decision-making concepts involved in the production and consumption of goods and services using examples from individuals, businesses, and government. Science Students explore concepts and topics related to natural and human impact on the environment. Students identify and describe various habitats found within an ecosystem. Students identify factors that affect an organism’s ability to survive in an ecosystem as well as events that may contribute to changes in an ecosystem. We look forward to meeting with you! Important Dates! November 2 No School November 9-13 PTA Scholastic Book Fair November 11 and 12 Parent-Teacher Conferences Early Dismissal November 13 Field Trip: Clarksburg HS November 25 Early Dismissal November 26 and 27 No School Reading: read for 20 minutes each night Math: complete Monday through Thursday Practice Basic Facts Contact Us! 4th Grade Teachers Mrs. Wise: Ms. Pickney: Mr. Haren: Dr. Beck: