Date: Reading For the month of April, we will be reading mystery books and working in book clubs. Students will use their detective skills to solve mysteries and collect clues as they read, sharing their ideas with others. Writing We will begin writing realistic fiction in April! Students will create stories that have characters, settings, problems, and solutions! Math We will continue our hard work with fractions during the month of April. Students are learning how to draw and identify fractions, find equivalent fractions and simplest form, and add and subtract fractions. Science/Social Studies Students are learning about our federal government and NJ government, including our Constitution and how the 3 branches of government work together. Dates to Remember 4/4-4/8: Spring Break, No School 4/14-4/22: PARCC Testing 4/21: 2 Hour Delayed Opening 4/25 and 4/26: Early Dismissal, Parent Teacher Conferences Ms. Cappello Room 224 973-593-3182 x7403