Document 17615253


Non fiction book report due: March 2nd - Students received a rubric to guide them last week, and they must turn in the rubric with their book report. (It is worth points on their grades.)

FIRE SAFETY EDITH Plan (Exit Plan In The House) is due February 18th - All students received the paper for it today. (4 students missed Fire Safety this morning, so they may need to get with a students to learn what to do, or ask me on the playground.)

This Friday, the school is accepting donations (snacks) for the Father - Daughter Dance. This dance is one of the fundraisers for our PTO. Later in the year we will ask for donations for the Mother - Son

Movie Night.

Every child received a colorful folder today with a skinny, leveled reader and worksheet. Your child has

1 week to read the book and complete the worksheet. We will do this every week.

Tomorrow morning, our school guidance counselor will give a lesson on organization and responsibility. You might be shocked how many students blame their parents for their missing work.

Many routinely say, "Oh, my mom cleaned out my binder/folder/back pack and threw away my papers."

Mrs. Carr has a nice lesson planned to reiterate the need for writing assignments in the agenda, listening to my directions, following expectations, etc.

I hounded several students today about missing work, and they promised me that they would bring it in tomorrow. I need to finalize grades for the report card.

We started fractions today! (We will still go back and review multiplication and division, and measuring angles, but we have moved on to fractions.) We started with a review of 2nd grade (shaded figures), a review of 3rd grade (drawings of equal fractions, 1/2 of a pie is the same as 2/4 of a pie, and fractions of groups, like 1/2 of 10, 1/3 of 9.) EVERYONE did well on the review. A couple were confused when the numerator wasn't 1. 2/3 of 12 is 8. We continued into 4th grade fractions: splitting more than 1 item, by many, such as 2 cans of paint split between 3 people. I gave out laminated pictures of paint cans and let them write with dry erase markers on the cans to figure out the answer. The students noticed the two numbers in the question were in the answer: When sharing 2 cans with 3 people, each person received 2/3 can of paint. Awesome discovery!

WE WILL HAVE FRACTION HOMEWORK EVERY NIGHT FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL WEEKS. The students need to practice what they learn in class.

We will move through EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS,


ORDERING FRACTIONS ON A NUMBER LINE, and take a quiz on chapter 10 on Feb. 6th. The following weeks we will learn to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers, convert fractions into decimals and do word problems with fractions.

In Language Arts we are reading Olive's Ocean and non-fiction books. We will be discussing how to integrate knowledge from two different sources and we will analyze how two or more authors address similar topics, and compare their approaches. We are focusing on learning new vocabulary, too.

Your child should be studying spelling words and vocabulary words every week. A few minutes everyday usually works better than one intense session. Your child should read 30 minutes a day and write a reflection in the journal.

Valentine's Day Party is Friday, Feb. 13th, 12:45. I am listing our students' names in case your child would like to make cards.

Brock, Shayla, Nikki, Wesley, Elysia, Ella, Gabe, Daniel, Cecilia, Madeline, Pierce, Nandini, Reagan,

Natalie, Bradley, Hannah, Jase, Veno, Arianna, Samuel, Madison and Jacob.


