
Third Grade Weekly
MARCH 7, 2016
Social Studies:
ELA Curriculum Corner
To help prepare for the South
Carolina Ready Test, we are
combining our reading and writing.
What we read in shared reading we
will also be writing about. Our focus
will be teaching students to be close
readers and be able to think and
write about the text. This week our
focused text will be nonfiction.
Students will write an essay using the
text from this week’s lesson.
We will continue studying fractions.
This week we will focus on fractions
on a number line, sets and how to
compare equivalent fractions.
Read 20 minutes every night
Math worksheet
Spelling: write words 3 times, abc
order, sentences, and study
We will finish our unit on the Civil
War in South Carolina.
We will begin Science again in May.
Spelling List/
1. only
2. beautiful
3. another
4. explain
5. fair
6. colorful
7. meaningful
8. joyful
9. hopeful
10. wonderful
11. funniest
12. lowest
13. highest
14. fastest
15. slowest
Upcoming Dates:
March 1-9 MAP
1. everything
March 2-April 182.finally
SC Ready after
3. sometimes
school program
on March 2nd.
4. really
The program will
5. only
run 3 days a week
6. lamp
(M, W, TH) from
7. stamped
2:30- 4:15 and
end on April 18th.
8. clamp
9. damp
March 28-April 1
11. branch
12. local
13. state
14. county
15. mayor