['he Arrns Etace Look at the overhead of the chart and answer tho following guestions in your notebook 1. FJhich country had the most men serviag in its a) b) natry? 2o Iu 1914, Getrmaly had a larger populatS.on Lhan Great Brit,ainu yet it seems to have a smaller na\ry" Can you suggest a treasos f,or Lbis? (Eine: Look at, tbe map of, Europe) 3. T{by was Austria-Eungary's na1ry so snal-l? was tha tot,al number of, naval personnel serving in tbe " Wbat, Trj.ple Enteate? 4 total number of naval Bersonnel available to the Centrai Fowers? 5 ' Hhat, sras t,he 5 " Hba! ssas the tot,a1 number of, soldiers serving " Fhat sras Lhe totaL nu:nber of soliders serving j.n the CeatraL Powerst armies. 7 I" 9 Entente? in tbe TripJ.e For eaeb classification in tb,e chart, add the totals for botb the triple entent,e and the central powers and graph the results. o 10 i army? Expla j.n how the alliance system was intended t,o a war. (5-10 sentences) eepreventrt " Exp}ain hoEr the alriance system became one of the of world war one. (5-10 sentences) causas {i 138 AR{S EACE actually started, r:cst of the large gr:ns and a-t'nltion. . Tiris ls cotstries had alreadY begun to collect |ta:m-s trstock-pi1ing" Eacett. Amies and navies gere lreaPons or ar called belng lncreased and equlPPed sith the most modeln veaPons Eoney End technology could Provlde" ;.tr Theare€,ofgreatgorrytoGreatBrlteingasltsEFvy. i :vas the larSest ln the eorld," 4:j ,. &; 1914, the Britlsh Royal Navy 1899u tsut tor- L7 yearsu Geraanyrs nary had been grcsbg._,Tn Brltaln 1914, Brltati ft"a"Zg neJor battleshlps" Ge':=any 7. Inbad closed a ne,rries gap the betseen T"ne h"i-ii: iar"r"y ri. Iot. _ For roany years before the rsaru tbe- f.Jo eor:ntries uere engaged in a raie to keep peace rElth eech other in tb'e building of 5 battleshlps. Geraany began to bul1d up the LTerial I"w But 1897. ThL cost in taxes to the German people' rras high. na'lily the eeperor, Kaiser welhe].]l II, told the:a th;': a stronger 'cas neeied to defo-nC the country' ' King Edward vjr and Ad-urlral sir John Fisher soon saw the - u4f5€r zr-aaa- to.-British-sea Poser. As Sea Lord, Fisher scrapped over 150 o1d ships and, ln 1906, produced E{S Dreadnoughi' This ner+ battleship nr:de every other battles'-'ip in the vorldof out of date. she carried ten l2-inch gr:as a:i had a speed 2l knots. . : of . Building battleships uas costing both courtr:es great s'\qs could th.t" rsere talks betseen then to see lf they Eoney "nd cooe to solle agreonent as to how nany ships t:iey built each year. But nothing !{as agreed and, in 1912, E=itain said she rrould,- build tvo najor ships for every one br:ilt by Geru'any" glhen the war began, Britain still had a bigge: navy than Ger=anyts and tgo neg super-drednoughts vith eight 15-inch g'Jns Here nearlY conPlet'eC Suggest a reason vhY have a sLrong nauy. lt was varv i.eoo:--ant for Britein to o r\ l- H4 s fl 6 &< F(J qz <=' \o c.r ('1 .q &n .l' \o rn @ fr-'l E @ @ I d q& a@ #:to+' :gF:' g h h o z tr: g I Fdt t .. c -({', :.q.. r ttl fl $ gtl ro @ re €n ,.4 o € -tF*. EI <l -q @ (f, Fn E fn |'r rn o H UI <l sl c) \o q c) .(l o o fi (\{ \o rr) : :t. i. .. c'r t\ o .r {r1r ;- fl I s I € F s f, Hl 3 d\ tr: z tr o o o o o O o.\ (i o o rn Gt o .q \0 en t-r H k< tr:F 1 c<H g il o c) o \o sl .q FI E-t @ s-. %,,i a{ rn .f \o (\l r| r| .{ zz, h:'l H z. H F 5 H F F z F F{ FF B: o Tt cffi *) 9=EzYs-'