'YVgrlfrt'\VWr iffitty,g - ffi-taffi,Etv p€trrto,i{ JUNE 2g;,,lgt$,Mino is . i n,,,th€., P.ahce,, of V€rsaillES |{ || (Scheidernann was - -,,,,, born - president) of all people before the law. in.th€ f.9tr4.,.66.,.6.,, party had full controJ, a . As number of partles had to agree for the Weimar govemment to pass laws. ;,,..ruled, thd..,gOvernm€nt,, no . . y!_gi d,isputes,,o t,d€ ilS inrthe,Tieaty,,ofiVefsatl:bS,,,.. ',,....,,. ,. i...,,.,,..:i ,.,....,,ii":i,i, ,, tot*Uti:rr,od,. ',',....,.4I,.GamilVwasiwi*g post \ M/1 penod, disalreements Uetween parties *"0" government the and ineffectual to adequately handle its numerous problems. and binding nature of the Treaty of Versailles did not help the of the Weimar Govemrnent either. The joins a small, called, the g-g"rman registered person. politically party Par,ty. , He:was the seventh,,,' ,..,'' The Allies, presented Germony witlr o bill for: tD{ wor reporotions in the omount of dollqrs (U.S.) in occordonce with the Tr:eoty of The Ger:mons vehemently protested thqt they could,: not poiSiblt iuth on outrogeous sur,Tr of money. TIAI lhe Uerfftort currency begon to in .l volue. lszl - Benito : :i , "marches on Rome" and becomes the leader. of He introduces an ideological style of governance known ai . lt was a dictatoriaf system tnat requireC total toyafty to the and political Hitler: would later his owh policies of l?t.ist.ideas from the M ussolini. - Germany asks the moratorium to grant a (a: sUspension:) on paynlentS. This was flatly rejected (particularly by ) lsefl fe4 - Hitler begins,the consfr,uction of the bookwhich,rhe wonted to coll Fo ur crnd a Hoff X purrffi. Ff lse6 Fz0 Fur$l -The and promise to solve the growing number of problems. and The fsol ," - : :: ,form the largast paqlfinthe ltneCerma;,:F;iia;ett{I;a,ii,:i*eaUy ,president Eovernmenl. Hitler :,:ts form this:option:and eventuallXq dema ruted that ngrry fgsf, Nazi's be - Ilitler becomes Geruanyr's ;,e,fi absohrtg EI{ABLNGAq:,,qg,,,paesed !ytfre parlia,ment deelarilg the end to fte;,t66o lonof* : , , : : , and ,:.,.,,.,,,,t.,,.,,.,, ,.r. ,,,ai@rt,,,G: inport,a:rt to note that man;r that voted in fa,vpur of ttre dlctatOrshlp lqT"*",,,,:a.fpaid Ot w,trat, would',;','' fer{ ls{ - Hitler restores owneiship of react, Hitle,r begins the the -France does not -la*s,