Events Leading to World War II in Europe

World War II
Events Leading to World War II in Europe
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Read the handout with some of the key events in Europe between 1936 and
September 1939. As a group of three, answer the following questions in complete
sentences. Often, there are multiple parts to the answer. All students should write
the agreed upon answer.
1. Why did Hitler want to expand?
2. Why did Hitler believe England and France would not aid Poland?
3. At what point might Hitler have been relatively easily stopped? Why then?
4. What would it have taken to deter Hitler?
5. Why do you think England and France were not willing to do what you answered
for #4?
6. What did Hitler gain from the Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union?
7. What did Stalin gain from the pact with Germany?
8. Since France alone had more active military divisions than Germany, what made
Hitler think he could succeed?
World War II
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
What general conclusions can we draw from this lesson about the road to war or the
prevention of war?
(Once your group has formulated a good answer, send one person to the marker board and
write your response for the whole class to discuss)