News from Room 113 A Peek at our Week Reading :

News from Room 113
A Peek at our Week
6, 2015
Reading: During reading workshop, we
have practiced listening to our partner so
we can have a conversation about a book,
noticing punctuation marks and how that
changes the way we read a sentence.
Have your kinder tell you about
punctuation when reading at home.
Phonics: (C, O, S, V, W, T, A, D, G, U, I,
E, L, K, Y, J, P, R, N, M, H, B, F, QU, X, Z,
SH, TH, CH, WH) Please continue to
practice all of these sounds. The kinders
are beginning to isolate and say the first
sound in words and segment a word into its
separate sounds.
Math: We began our 2D shape unit and
learned the different ways we could sort
objects. Please play the math game
throughout the week and sign and return
the bottom portion on Friday in their
purple folders.
Writing: The kinders have been working
so hard during our writing workshop time
and have created some great books! We
have talked a lot about brainstorming ideas
to write about, how we get those ideas (a
memory, something we like, something we
know a lot about, or something from our
Nov. 11 No School
Nov. 19 Report Cards sent
Nov. 23 Early Release
Nov. 23 Conferences
Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving
Please complete the
Questionnaire and
return it to school
on November 16.
Snappy Words: (I, a, and,
me, the, to, go, you, can) See
if your kinder can identify their
snappy words in books you
read at home!
Social Studies:
wrapped up our Family Unit by
creating family trees.