KINDER NEWS WHAT’S NEW? Reading: We have finished up the first unit – Launching. It has really got the kinders interested and excited about books! We have had many whole group interactive read-alouds, shared reading lessons and mini-lessons, with opportunities for our friends to practice strategies during Read to Self. We are now jumping into Fiction! Phonics: (all 26 ABC letters, ch, sh, th, wh) Please continue to practice all sounds that have been introduced and return the folder to school on Monday. We are continuing to spend time focusing on building and developing phonemic awareness. This is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. Our beginning readers can segment a word into its separate sounds (stretching), write the sounds they hear and blend the sounds to read CVC words (3 letter words). I am very proud of them!! Writing: During our Writing Workshop time, we had time to be writers… choosing our own idea, writing about it and then sharing with our friends. I am encouraging the kinders to be BRAVE writers, instead of asking “How do you spell ____?”, I want them to try to str-e-tch the word and write the sounds they hear. The words may not be spelled correctly, but they will be spelled phonetically (how they sound) and that is ok!! Math: We spent some time sorting objects by size, shape, color and other attributes. We are now working hard on identifying and describing 2-d shapes (basic shapes). Please make sure your child is completing the math homework games each week and returning the bottom portion on Friday. Additional: * Words Their Way: “word sorts”, We are continuing to practice with beginning sound picture sorts. * Snappy Words: Take some time to practice these words with your child to help build fluency in reading & writing. (a, and, I, me, you, the, my, is, to go) The 2nd trimester list will be in the purple folder. * Science: We continued our unit on Physical Science by discovering items that sink and float. 11/6/2015 Dates & Reminders: Nov. 11 – No School Nov. 19 – Report Cards Home, Parent-Teacher Conferences Nov. 23 – Early Release, Parent-Teacher Conferences Nov. 25-27 – No School * Please dress your child appropriately for the weather; this includes wearing a warm jacket. Have your child practice zipping/buttoning their jacket on their own; this is a life skill that helps build independence. * Please discuss washing hands and using kleenex with your child. We are trying to stay healthy in room 115. * Just an FYI - I am on several school and district committees; I will be out of the classroom for these meetings.