Properties of Water Polarity and Hydrogen Bonding

Date _____
Properties of Water
Name _______________
Polarity and Hydrogen Bonding
1. If there are 600 water molecules in a glass. What is the total number of hydrogen atoms
in the glass? What is the total number of oxygen atoms in the glass?
2. Why is water considered to be a polar molecule?
3. Explain why the oxygen atom in water has a negative charge.
4. Explain why the two pictures below are incorrect:
5. What is the name of the bond formed between water molecules? ___________________
Heat Capacity
6. As a substance is heated its molecules vibrate slower / faster.
7. Since water has a very high heat capacity the ocean temperature is very stable / unstable
8. During a hot summer day the temperature of the water heats up much faster / slower than
the temperature of the air.
9. Most animals in the ocean are cold blooded which means that their body temperature is
less than / greater than / equal to the temperature of the water.
10. What would happen to the animals living in the ocean is that ocean temperature was to
rapidly change?
Date _____
Properties of Water
Name _______________
11. The diagram below shows a dish containing many water molecules. Draw line to
represent hydrogen bonds to connect the hydrogen of one water molecule to the oxygen
of another water molecule.
12. What is viscosity? ________________________________________________
13. Hydrogen bonding make water more / less viscous.
14. Why are most microscopic marine animals floaters and not active swimmers?
15. Would it be harder to swim through a pool of syrup or a pool of water? Why?
16. Does cold water (not frozen) sink or float in warmer water? Why?
17. Which state of water forms the most
hydrogen bonds?
18. Which state of water forms the least
hydrogen bonds.
19. What is the temperature range
where water will remain a liquid?
20. Why do cracks in pavement widen
over time to become pot holes
during the winter?