Human Body Unit Study Guide

Human Body Unit
Study Guide
Order of “body parts”
a. Cell – smallest living thing
b. Tissue – group of cells
c. Organ – group of tissues
d. Body system – group of organs working together
2. Body Systems
a. Nervous system – controlled by the brain, sends messages
throughout the body by way of the spinal cord and nerves
b. Circulatory system – controlled by the heart, moves blood
throughout the body in arteries (away from the heart) and
veins (to the heart)
c. Respiratory system – controlled by the lungs, helps with inhaling
oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide
d. Skeletal system – all the bones and joints in your body, gives
your body shape, protects organs, makes new cells
e. Muscular system – all the muscles in your body, helps your body
to move
f. Digestive system – manages the food you eat, begins with the
chewing in the mouth, then the esophagus, the stomach and
finally the small and large intestine
3. Keeping your body healthy
a. Avoid smoking, and foods that are high in fat
b. Exercise regularly, including stretching muscles
c. Wear protective gear, like a helmet to protect your brain
d. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods
e. Use good posture
f. Get plenty of sleep