Monday 1/12/15 Tuesday 1/13/15 Wednesday 1/14/15 Thursday 1/15/15 Friday 1/16/15 Review the power point on classification, label the human skeleton Human skeleton Quiz Label the muscles of the human body Muscles quiz organ system crossword puzzle Human body 3 min videos Human body activity Word puzzle Human body video Word search Concept map Week at a glance January 12- January 16 Lesson Plans Bell Ringer: identify different science apparatus or instruments Standards: Relate major tissues and organs of the skeletal, circulatory, reproductive, muscular, respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems to their functions. Teaching Strategies and Methods: Students will watch a series of 3 min videos on the human body Some classes will dissect the grasshopper. Students will complete 4 classwork assignments (1) bones (2) muscles (3) organs and(4) word puzzle Student will read and analyze a medical/news article on the human body. Students will also read an NPR science article on hand washing as a cross curriculum engagement. Students will participate in a movement lab to demonstrate the muscles of the human body. Assessments: Summative and Formative via Type 1 writing and bone quiz and muscles.